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Reading and Speaking. UNIT 3.2 Entry Limitations and Customs Restrictions

Word Study

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UNIT 3.2 Entry Limitations and Customs Restrictions

For more information turn to Grammar reference section.


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do all the countries introduce entry limitations?

2. Customs restrictions help regulate foreign trade, don’t they?

3. What goods are usually subject to Customs restrictions?

Exercise 2. Match left and right.


1) Customs restrictions a) телекоммуникационные устройства
2) detained articles b) радиоактивные материалы
3) items for commercial activity c) под угрозой исчезновения
4) psychotropic medicines d) таможенные ограничения
5) items of cultural value e) сильные седативные средства[4]
6) in a danger of disappearance f) предметы коммерческой деятельности
7) merchandise g) психотропные лекарственные средства
8) radioactive materials h) предметы, имеющие культурную ценность
9) strong sedatives i) товар
10) telecommunication devices j) задержанные (конфискованные) предметы

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

to be subject ________ special permission

entry _______ Russia

_______ sale

to go up _____ 30%

to be determined ________ Customs officials

amount _____ the items

to go ______ green/red channel

4EUR ________ kilogramme

_____ professional use

to pay tax _______ value

to get a paper _____ the Customs

to leave item _____ the border

Exercise 4. Translate into Russian.

items brought permanently; the total weight/price; minimum salary; approximately; stocks; securities; the allowed amount of money; special permission; anesthesia’s and sleeping pills; guns; explosives; wild flora and fauna; printed materials; at the point of sale; to avoid illegal import; to determine; to get the latest information; to bring in; to oblige to pay; extra money.

Exercise 5. Match the verbs from the text below with nouns and expressions.

1. to declare a) detention, arrest, fines
2. to submit b) to the Russian police
3. to export c) receipts for all high-value items
4. to receive d) cultural value
5. to cause e) in limited amount
6. to report f) for the export of articles
7. to appeal g) a Customs declaration
8. to face h) in Russia
9. to obtain i) a stamp on the Customs declaration
10. to have j) to the higher Customs body
11. to present k) all items of value
12. to be granted l) to Customs official
13. to arrive m) criminal responsibility


Exercise 6. Read the text to answer the following questions:

1. What items are duty free when travellers enter Russia?

2. What is the maximum amount of cash the passenger can take into Russia?

3. How many dollars may travellers have when entering or leaving Russia?

4. What items may be exported duty free in limited amounts?

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