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Language development


Choose the best ending to these incomplete sentences:

1. The reliance on the mainstream media to break stories about companies and products is …

a) increasing

b) declining

c) persistent and sustained

2. Small and medium-sized businesses gain mainstream coverage from …

a) multiple iterations for various audiences, channels, and situations

b) the new distribution channels

c) conventional media forms

3. In the hope of hitting the publishing jackpot, small and medium-sized companies…

a) narrow their focus towards journalists

b) are now producing press statements that target web site publishers and bloggers relevant to their niche, as well as targeting customers directly

c) are aimed at professionals

4. PR experts believe that the traditional long form press release …

a) won’t undergo any changes

b) will soon die out

c) will continue to be influenced by the brevity and accessibility of social media

5. The evolution of a press release will mainly concern…

a) the format of the press release

b) Tools, networks and services

c) distribution channels

6. The press release will continue to get shorter, …

a) for the sake of transparency

b) for concision’s sake

c) for the sake of consistency

7. The back links generated by press releases

a) can help you achieve rankings, authority, and qualified traffic.

b) make the volume of news releases significantly decline

c) are reason enough to continue syndicating them


I. Give English equivalents for the following:

зависимость от, основной, идти на убыль, добиваться освещения в основных СМИ, сосредоточить внимание на журналистах, преуспеть/сорвать куш, быть нацеленным на что-либо, краткость и доступность, содействовать, решение на все случаи жизни, одновременно публиковать в нескольких изданиях, повторное действие/шаг, эффектная реплика, обратная ссылка, лаконичный, распространять новости, распознавать, обмен информацией, лаконичность.


II. Find words and phrases in the text that mean:

1. any text that is reused in new contexts or applications without being changed much from the original;

2. expressing much in few words; brief and to the point;

3. to decrease gradually in size, amount, intensity, or degree; decline;

4. a very short piece of a speech taken from a longer speech or an interview in which someone with authority or the average "man on the street" says something which is considered by those who edit the speech or interview to be the most important point;

5. appealing or answering to a wide range of tastes or needs;

6. a software program that searches a database and gathers and reports information that contains or is related to specified terms;

7. a list of prices;

8. to drive or send off in various directions;

9. incoming links to a website or web page.


III. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the previous exercises:

1. Last month, Full Count Communications, a Seattle-area public relations company, ___________ a press release announcing Kaminski's award.

2. You can improve your page rank and keywords ranking by having few relevant ___________for our website.

3. Business Wire, the leader in Press Release Distribution gives hourly updates of business, government; provides business news and _____.

4. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "We have nothing to fear but fear itself," is an example of a __________ that uplifted the American people during the Great Depression.

5. There's no easy, _____________ answer.

6. Quizzes are useful public relations tools because their popularity does not _________.

7. It is important to remember _______ should be up to date, clearly written and short in length.

8. We work closely alongside our clients to create clear, ______ and consistent messages that are guaranteed to bring them closer to their desired audiences.

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