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Making the Most of the Soil

Unit 2

Trowel - for planting out seedlings.

Hoe - for hoeing between the rows to keep weeds down and for hoeing between the plants which will control weeds and also loosen the soil and thus aerate the roots.

Dibber – for planting out leeks and lettuces.

Wheelbarrow - for throwing spadefuls of waste matter accurately on to the compost heap or bonfire.

Pick – for getting through hard land which has not been cultivated before, or not for a long time.

Spirit level – for making level paths, or checking the levels of existing paths, or for making sure that the foundations for a greenhouse are correct.

Fertilizer distributor – for distributing different kinds of fertilizers.

Seed driller – for ensuring even planting.


Questions and tasks for comprehension.

1. What kind of organisms are the plants?

2. Why do we use plants?

3. What should we take on account selecting a crop?

4. What type of soil is the best for cultivation? Why?

5. What types of soil prevail in your region?

6. Why lime is so important for the soil?

7. Why is humus so valuable?

8. What kinds of soil tools and equipment are in common uses?

9. What kinds of tools or equipment do we use for sowing crops?


Task 1. Study Table 1. Say what kinds of fertilizers are the most and the least valuable food for plants.


Task 2. Complete the following sentences.

Lack of lime in the soil can lead to …

Lime in the soil can …


Task 3. Sum up:

1. Give instructions for soil testing.

Compare types of soil.

In this unit you will find the answers for the following questions:

- What is rotation?

- What is three and four year rotation?

- What is a frame?

- What kinds of greenhouses are there?

- Why do we like to cook with herbs?



Rotational cropping should be practiced in even the smallest vegetable garden. This will help prevent the pests and diseases which attack one particular group of plants from building up in the soil. In some cases this build up can only be reduced; if you are unfortunate enough to have club root in your soil, this fungus can live for twenty years in the ground which is more than any rotational system can eradicate.

If you practice rotation, a balance will be maintained between the various plant foods, and the soil will be less likely to build up an adverse reaction to any particular plant. As well as this, the different methods of cultivation followed for each plant will make certain that the soil is well dug and properly treated to a considerable depth, and this will all help to restore and maintain a healthy balance. The soil will be opened up and aerated, the bacteria will be able to obtain the supplies of oxygen which they need to convert the fertilizers and manure which the gardener will add into a form in which the plants can absorb them.

The correct rotation of cropping will bring about the most economical use of the veget­able plot because one will need fewer fertilizers. As an example, cabbages and cauliflowers take large amounts of nitrates from the soil, while the legumes (peas and beans) return nitrogen to the soil — their roots have nodules which 'fix' the nitrogen in the earth. The brassicas (cabbages, cauliflowers, sprouts, broccoli, kale) should therefore follow the peas and beans. Salads can be grown as 'catch crops' in any of the sections.

To keep the soil in good condition you must ensure that it does not have a deficiency of lime, but whereas some crops require large quan­tities of lime, others such as potatoes do best in a slightly acid soil. If there is not enough lime, the inert plant foods stored in the soil will not be able to be released for the growing crops to take up and all the manure or garden compost that you may possibly add will be of little use. Rotation helps constantly to correct the various imbalances.

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