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Off colour

In (full) colour

In colour

The wine was almost pink in colour (=was almost pink).

blaze/riot/mass of colour (=lots of different bright colours )

In summer the gardens are a blaze of colour.

a splash of colour (=a small area of a bright colour)

The sky began to slowly change colour.

the fall colors (=the colours of the trees in autumn)


[uncountable and countable] how dark or light someone's skin is, which shows which race they belong to

Everyone has a right to a job, regardless of their race, sex, or colour.

ᅳsee also coloured

4. people/women/students etc of color

especially American English people, women etc who are not white

I'm the only person of color in my class.


[uncountable and countable]a substance such as paint or dye that makes something red, blue, yellow etc

Wash the garment separately, as the colour may run (=come out when washed).

lip/nail/eye colour

our new range of eyeshadows and lip colours

a television programme, film, or photograph that is in colour contains colours such as red, green, and blue rather than just black and white

ᅳopposite in black and white

All the recipes in the book are illustrated in full colour.


[uncountable] if you have some colour in your face, your face is pink or red, usually because you are healthy or embarrassed

You look a lot better today.


[uncountable]interesting and exciting details or qualities that someone or something has

The old market is lively, full of colour and activity.a travel writer in search of local colour add/give colour to something (=make something more interesting)

Intelligent use of metaphors can add colour and style to your writing.

9. lend/give colour to something

to make something, especially something unusual, appear likely or true

We now have independent evidence that lends colour to the accusation of fraud.

a) [not before noun] British English someone who is off colour is feeling slightly ill

b) [usually before noun] especially American English off-colour jokes, stories etc are rude and often about sex

11. colours [plural]

a) the colours that are used to represent a team, school, club, country etc

club/team/school colours

a peaked cap in the team colours

Australia's national colours are gold and green.

b) British English a flag, shirt etc that shows that someone or something belongs to or supports a particular team, school, club, or country

12. see the colour of somebody's money

spoken to have definite proof that someone has enough money to pay for something

'A whiskey, please.' 'Let's see the color of your money first.'


Fashion noun

1. [singular, uncountable] something that is popular or thought to be good at a particular time

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