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Inspire somebody to something

Inspire somebody to do something

Admiration of

Admiration for

In admiration

Admire somebody for (doing) something

Appreciate that

We appreciate that caring for children is an important job.

appreciate what/how/why

It is difficult to appreciate how bad the situation had become.

2. [transitive] used to thank someone in a polite way or to say that you are grateful for something they have done

Thanks ever so much for your help, I really appreciate it.

3. [transitive] to understand how good or useful someone or something is

Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.

I'm not an expert, but I appreciate fine works of art.

4. [intransitive] technical to gradually become more valuable over a period of time

ᅳopposite depreciate

Most investments are expected to appreciate at a steady rate.


Admire verb transitive not in progressive]

1. to respect and like someone because they have done something that you think is good

I really admire the way she brings up those kids all on her own.

Lewis was much admired for his work on medieval literature.

2. to look at something and think how beautiful or impressive it is

We stopped halfway to admire the view.

Sal stood back to admire her work.

3. admire somebody from afar

literary t o be attracted to someone, without letting them know


admired a djective

the widely admired boss of Channel 4

admiration noun ( uncountable

a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone

Daniel gazed at her in admiration.

I'm full of admiration for the crew who handled this crisis.

Her riding soon drew the admiration of the older girls.

grudging/sneaking admiration (=that you do not really want to feel or express)

Despite her annoyance, she couldn't help feeling a grudging admiration for him.

Inspire verb [transitive]

1. to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something

We need someone who can inspire the team.

He inspired many young people to take up the sport.

I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.

Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.

2. to make someone have a particular feeling or react in a particular way

Gandhi's quiet dignity inspired great respect.

inspire confidence (=make people feel confident because they trust your ability)

His driving hardly inspires confidence.

The hospital's record does not inspire confidence.

3. to give someone the idea for something, especially a story, painting, poem etc

The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke.

a range of designs inspired by wild flowers

4. t echnical to breathe in


Turn verb


[intransitive and transitive] to move your body so that you are looking in a different direction

ᅳsee also t wist

Ricky turned and walked away. She turned her head in surprise.

turn around/round/away

Dan turned away, hiding the fear in his eyes.

turn (your head/face) to do something

He turned around to look at Kim. 'No,' she said, turning her head to see David's reaction.

Brigitte glared at him, turned on her heel (=turned away suddenly because of anger), and stomped out of the room.


[transitive usually + adverb/preposition]to move something so that it is pointing or aiming in a different direction

turn something around/over/upside down etc

You may turn over your exam papers now.

turn something on something/somebody

The firemen turned their hoses on the blaze.

turn something to face something/somebody

Could you turn your chairs to face this way?

turn a/the page (=move a page in a book over so that you can read the next page)

turn something down/up

He turned down the corner of the sheet to peep at the baby.


a) [intransitive and transitive] to go in a new direction when you are walking, driving etc, or to make the vehicle you are using do this

I watched until he turned the corner.

turn left/right

Turn left at the church.

turn into/onto/down etc

She cycled up the street and turned into Long Road.

Turning the car around, we headed home.

b) [intransitive] if a road, river etc turns, it curves and starts to go in a new direction

Further on, the river turns east. The road turns sharply at the top of the hill.


[intransitive and transitive]to move around a central or fixed point, or to make something move in this way

The wheels turned slowly, then picked up speed. For some reason, the key wouldn't turn.

turn the handle/knob/key/tap etc

She gently turned the handle of the bedroom door.

5. CHANGE[linking verb, transitive]

to start to have a different quality, or to make something do this

turn (something) red/blue/white etc

Rose's hair was already turning grey.

the weather turns cold/nasty etc also it turns cold/nasty etc

Then it turned cold and started to rain.

turn nasty/mean/violent etc (=suddenly become angry, violent etc)

The police are worried that the situation could turn violent.

see usage note become


[intransitive and transitive]to start to think about, deal with, look at etc a particular person, thing, or subject, instead of what you were thinking about etc before

turn your attention/thoughts/efforts etc to something/somebody

Many investors have turned their attention to opportunities abroad.

Phil turned his gaze towards the older man.

turn to/towards etc something

As usual, the conversation turned back to her children.

7. turn your back (on somebody/something)

a) to refuse to help, support, or be involved with someone or something

How can you turn your back on your own mother? In his twenties he turned his back on his Catholic faith.

b) to turn so that your back is pointing towards someone or something, and you are not looking at them

Angrily, she turned her back on him.


[transitive]to become a particular age, or to reach a particular time

somebody turns 15/20/40 etc

My son's just turned 18.

it's turned 2 o'clock/5/midday etc

It's just turned three.

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