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PCCTS, the Knights Templar ranks – Phase 1

Founding principles of the Order/Tribunal


The purpose of the order/tribunal, PCCTS, is to consolidate Europeans and create and develop a significant armed defensive force through “open source warfare”, by marketing the developed decentralised platform with self-organising features. This will be achieved by our continued efforts to call and request that all Europeans accept the duties which are expected from each and every free, patriotic individual. All free Europeans have a right and a duty to become “Justiciar Knights” for the order/tribunal with the purpose of:



· Oppose all hate-ideologies; communism (anti-individualistic), cultural Marxism/multiculturalism (anti-European), Islam (anti-kafr) and national socialism (anti-Jewish).


· 100 year plan to contribute to seize political power in Western European countries currently controlled by anti-nationalists (cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes). Bring freedom and cultural and demographical sustainability to all Europeans


· Serve and protect the indigenous peoples of Europe and all other loyal and patriotic European individuals


· Preserve European culture, traditions and heritage


· Stop the ongoing European cultural and demographical genocide facilitated by the cultural Marxists/multiculturalists, suicidal humanists, and capitalist globalist elites


· Prevent the deconstruction of Christendom in Europe


· Prevent further Islamic demographic warfare - disallow the Muslim invasion/colonisation of Europe


· Repulse Islam from Europe by the initiation of future deportation campaigns


· Effectuate punishment for Western European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist/globalist perpetrators for crimes committed against the indigenous peoples of Europe


· Oppose and defeat the Multiculturalist Alliance (MA 100) in Europe using any and all means necessary


· Support Israel’s fight against Jihad


· Liberation of the Middle East Christians from Islamic rule


· Virtues such as the willingness to martyr oneself for the cause, the exercise of discretion, voluntary poverty and devoted obedience to the principles are mandatory for all Justiciar Knights


· Honour the wishes and memories of our forefathers, who secured European security and prosperity in the past


· Follow the PCCTS’s mantra – “Martyrdom before Dhimmitude”.





There are currently four different ranks military ranks and three different civilian ranks:


Justiciar Knight Commander or Justiciar Knight Operative; military cell commander or operative (solo or multi cell) of the PCCTS, Knights Templar

The rank "Commander" is generally applied to a person who is accountable for and holds authority over a group or the attempts of a group to achieve a common goal. The Justiciar Knight Commander rank is the highest rank (during phase 1) in the PCCTS, Knights Templar and is held by the cell leader. Other members of the cell go by the rank of Justiciar Knight Operatives. In a one man cell, the individual in charge carries the Commander rank. He may take command of and lead militant, non-KT patriots should the situation allow for it.

National Grand Master Knight Commander;

future military leader in phase 2/3

Pan-European Grand Master Knight Commander;

future international military leader in phase 2/3

OOOur former Grand Master, Jacques de Molay. He was burned on the stake by King Philip IV of France

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