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Short list - overview

PCCTS - Purpose and objectives of re-founding



The PCCTS, Knights Templar serve as an independent pan-European Military and Criminal Tribunal in the current Western European civil war. We have come to the conclusion that the democratical struggle to save Europe has been lost. Our purpose and goal is to defeat the cultural Marxist/Multiculturalist Alliance of Europe, seize political and military control of Western European countries and implement a cultural conservative political agenda.


PCCTS activities will continue in all three phases of the European civil war until our objectives have been completed.



- Phase 1 – 1999-2030

- Phase 2 – 2030-2070

- Phase 3 – 2070-2083


Our primary objectives (in phase 1 and 2):


1. We willeducate the European peoples about the ongoing political, social and demographical development. We will distribute the content, every single paragraph of the two first books of the compendium “2083” and other works containing the truth about the current development, with the intention of rallying more Europeans for the cause. Distributing content has proven difficult in the past as the current social and political establishment view the content as “politically incorrect” and refuse to acknowledge its relevancy and subsequently ignore and censor it all together. Creating awareness of specifically defined topics is the essence of our phase 1 struggle. We will launch information campaigns and create awareness by using any means necessary, including distribution of our messages by using lethal shock attacks against concentrations of class A and B traitors in a pan-European context. The primary goal of the shock attacks is not the immediate physical manifestation of the attack (destroying a few buildings, killing a few hundred traitors) but rather the indirect effects. Shock attacks will have the potency to penetrate the strict censorship regime of the cultural Marxists/multiculturalists. Any substantial shock attack will therefore have the potential to do massive ideological damage on the multicultural ideology (as the multicultural dream will become ever so distant) and its propagators in various ways;



- Education of the European peoples – people will be interested to know why buildings around them are falling down and will seek information themselves and/or learn what the media presents

- Moral effect/recruitment - encouraging thousands of brothers and sisters

- Creating important military and ideological reference points

- Increasing and developing the level of innovation/sophistication of methods applied

- Contribution to increase the acceptance level of new methods applied

- Discouraging our enemies which may lead to direct/indirect “defection”, or fear/reservations against criticising right wingers etc.

- Contribution to force many Europeans out of their self-induced coma

- Many individuals (especially category A, B and C traitors who until now has just “gone with the flow”) will re-evaluate the premises for their support to multiculturalism (destruction of our European cultures) or at least the premises for allowing mass-Muslim immigration/the ongoing Islamisation and will re-consider if it is really worth the trouble

- Contribution for creating a broader acceptance for defending and support European culture without being target of EUSSR labelling techniques (bigot, fascist, Nazi, racist).

- Marketing the resistance movement

- Making moderate cultural conservatives more approachable, by the establishment, by broadening or expanding the very definition of extreme right wing axis etc.

- Many individuals (politically neutral) may start to have reservations against working in government buildings (near concentrations of category A or B traitors) which will help polarise the left and right.



We will be contributing to re-writing the very fabric of society which will have short term and long term effects.

- We may see police strikes or at least demands for higher salary (especially in countries where there is no tradition for urban revolutionary warfare). Many cultural conservative street police may quit the job as they are uncomfortable and simply unwilling to hunt down and kill militant cultural conservatives. Alternatively, they may also stay and help us in future operations directly or indirectly. Either way, they will be vary of future military operations and will stay out of our way (which will result in a minimum of sympathiser deaths for any future operation). Others may quit for similar reasons. This trend may result in the police force itself turning Muslim which will have reprecautions for as how they are viewed by the public. An increase in Muslim police officers will increase mistrust towards the police and government (just remember the riots in Utrech triggered by a Muslim cop who killed a nationalist).


- The government will have to invest billions on security related fields, which will weaken them financially and might contribute to cuts in other fields.



Practical information we intend to distribute (see topics in the three books):


- What you need to know, Our falsified history and other forms of cultural Marxist/multiculturalist propaganda


- Europe Burning (Contemporary issues)


- A Declaration of preemptive War (demands, charges, tactics and other information meant for internal use.)



2. We will pressure our National Military Commands in Western Europe to start acting in the interest of its people instead of serving the corrupt and suicidal cultural Marxist/multiculturalist governments. Our objective is to convince enough junior/senior military officers that the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites are so detached from the reality and its own people that they are no longer serving their interests and as such; the democratical system has been corrupted to a degree that it can no longer solve our problems. Our only remaining chance to save Europe is by labelling the current cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes as illegitimate and illegal, seizing political power by initiating military coup d’états, declaring Martial law and create temporary military tribunals. We must convince enough military officers (in Phase 1 and 2) that this is the only pragmatical approach. As such, our objective is to convince enough military officers that the implementation of our agenda (or something equivalent) is the only way Europe can avoid a continued cultural genocide and a future Islamic take-over.


Furthermore, we will attempt to convince individuals in the current governments, the MA100 political parties and the cultural Marxist alliance in general (as many category A, B and C traitors as possible) to acknowledge the fact that:


i. There is a deliberate Islamic demographic warfare being waged against Europe by the Global Islamic Ummah.


ii. Multiculturalism is and has always been an anti-European hate ideology aimed at undermining the indigenous peoples of Europe and destroying European civilisation and culture.


If just a fraction of the current Western European military commands, governments, the MA100 political parties and the news agencies are convinced to acknowledge these and other facts, they will be forced out of their current “apathetic state” and to start acting in the interests of the European people.



3. We will continue to work for the consolidation of the “European right” under one “un-official” banner (ranging from moderate to extreme). This includes the work for a continued consolidation among European right wing intellectuals, political activists and military orders. Emphasis must be on; cooperation to ensure our survival. We will also continue to develop legal/illegal Conservative militias and clandestine military cells.



4. We will create reference points which will contribute to escalate the European civil war faster. The intention is to ensure that we seize power before there is a Muslim majority. By employing and implementing sophisticated methods and mechanics early on we contribute to introduce, legitimise and establish new “methods/traditions” among the resistance movements which will benefit us in all phases.


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