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Why bother with honouring fallen Martyrs and living Heroes of our struggle?

Who will approve the first Grand Master Overseer?

Requirements to become the Grand Master Overseer



Aqcuiring funds for the organisation via donations from individuals or organisations throughout Europe are a top priority. Also, there are several individuals throughout Europe who testaments their wealth to organisations who work for anti immigration/Islamisation. An overseer should research European countries by contacting the Bar organisation in given countries and claim these contributions with the purpose of financing any practical or administrative tasks (honourary tombstones, commendations, uniforms or website costs etc). Receipts and other documentation will have to be presented.


An Overseer should not profit from these activities.



The individual needs a track record of non-military cultural/Christian conservative (anti-Jihad) activism. The individual has to be a Christian European and thus must support Judeo Christian traditions. In other words, the individual has to oppose the Islamisation of Europe/European multiculturalism. The individual must also support the PCCTS, Knights Templar territorial claims in the Balkans and in the Middle East. The individual must not have a track record involving racism or support for Racial Conservatism.



The individual has to claim the position. This will be done by creation and administration of a website, following the given guidelines. Furthermore, he has to pay the costs for the first commendation and tombstone for the first martyred Justiciar Knight. As soon this is done, and if he fulfils all the requirements, he may indirectly announce himself as the official Grand Master Overseer of the Knights Templar and can and should take the initiative to develop the non-military organisation according to guidelines. It should be noted, that due to legal limitations concerning the support for ”so called terrorism” he cannot openly support the activities of any fallen Knight. He must use deceitful approaches, speak with ”two tongues” in order to ensure that he doesn’t incriminate himself in any way.



Why the position of a Grand Master Overseer has not been filled prior to first spectacular attack?


Obviously, this would have implicated and incriminated the individual. Therefore, the position will only be available after the first spectacular attack.




It is essential and extremely important to honour living heroes of our struggle and to ensure that fallen martyrs are commemorated. How can we expect to re-found the ancient European traditions of Martyrdom if no one is honouring our living and fallen heroes? The Muslim world is a good example. Honouring and commemorating Jihadists have been institutionalised for centuries and even involves economic compensation to the family of each Martyr. Iraq, Iran and several countries have willingly contributed with millions of dollars to ”Martyr Commemoration funds”. Every single Jihadi martyr who dies in the struggle against Christendom or the Jews (and historically, many other wars) have received financial support (given to the Martyrs family) and other commendations. We must do the same.


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