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Justiciar Knight Military Orders

Knights Templar orders, commendations, uniform, title, tombstone and relevant information

Learning from the Muslims


The following text describes one of these commemoration groups:



The organisation calls itself, the Committee for the Glorification of Martyrs of the Global Islamic Movement (Setad Pasdasht Shohadaye Nehzat Jahani Islam). Spokesman for the group Mohammad Mohammadi (Mohammad-Ali Samadi, according to Iran Focus) said: "Every six months we sign up volunteers. Now we have 55,000 of them. Then we choose the volunteers and divide them up into battalions."


Mohammadi said his latest battalion numbered 500, with 30% of these being women. He claims his group is independent of the Islamist regime, but anything which is public in Iran is never independent.


The volunteers can choose either to blow up Salman Rushdie, or blow up Israel or "the infidels occupying Iraq" (America), a sign that the group exists more for confidence-building among Iranian young people, who currently suffer high unemployment, rather than realistic military strategy.


Meghdad Hamedinia. a 27-year old suicide recruit said: "I want to defend Islam, so I signed up for all three. All the American presidents are rascals. I'll give my life for Islam."



All Justiciar Knights (self appointed in P1, approved by the Grand Master Overseer in P2/3) will have the opportunity to earn the following commendations:

As long as an “Overseer organisation” has not yet been created (in P1), it is up to each Justiciar Knight to follow the specific commendation regulations and guidelines in regards to taking credit for specific efforts. Until an Overseer organisation has been established (P1), it is up to each and every Justiciar Knight cell commander to provide his cell operatives with the commendations earned. These commendations should not be acquired until after a successful operation has been executed. Just ensure that you have the necessary order information available and your lawyer (or friend/family member) will be able to order the commendations for you.

A Justiciar Knight will become a member of one of the three Orders depending on the outcome of his operation:


Justiciar Knight Military Order of the Martyrs


A fallen Justiciar Knight (fallen in the line of duty) is awarded with the Cross of Martyrdom regardless of the the outcome of his operation.

Red cross with gold outline.


This breast jewel is awarded for heroic and exceptional service, through martyrdom, by defending the indigenous peoples of Europe, European identity, culture, traditions and European Christendom. Post-mortem award.


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