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Q: Hobbies and interests?

Q: Have you ever broken the law before?

Q: Name one living person you would like to meet?


A: The Pope orVladimir Putin. Putin seems like a fair and resolute leader worthy of respect. I’m unsure at this point whether he has the potential to be our best friend or our worst enemy though. He’s very hard to psychoanalyze. I wouldn’t want to be his enemy, that’s for sure. Obviously, he has to openly condemn us at this point which is understandable.



Q: Other people you would want to meet?


A: The following people have to condemn us at this point which is fine. It is after all essential that they protect their reputational shields.Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Geert Wilders, Radovan Karadzic, Lee Myung-bak and Taro Aso.


But isn’t Radovan Karadzic a mass murderer and a racist?! As far as my studies show he is neither. The Muslims in Bosnian Serbia; the so called Bosniaks and Albanians had waged deliberate demographic warfare (indirect genocide) against Serbs for decades. This type of warfare is one of the most destructive forms of Jihad and is quite similar to what we are experiencing now in Western Europe. He offered the Muslims in Bosnian Serbia the chance to convert or leave the country (the same standard deal Christians are offered in many Muslim countries), he even went as far as offering the Muslims certain enclaves. When they refused he wanted to deport them by force. When this was made impossible by NATO he gave the order to fight the people who refused which was his sovereign right and responsibility as one of the primary leaders of Serb forces. This was never about ethnicity but about ridding the country of the genocidal hate ideology known as Islam. I do condemn any atrocities committed against Croats and vice versa but for his efforts to rid Serbia of Islam he will always be considered and remembered as an honourable Crusader and a European war hero. As for the NATO war criminals, the Western European category A traitors who gave the green light, they are nothing less than war criminals.



A: I made art/damage on various walls without permission when I was very young (graffiti phase from age 13-16). In retrospect I understood that it wasn’t a very nice thing to do. I was fined once and had to spend two weeks with a friend scrubbing busses. I haven’t done anything illegal since then.



A: Friends, fitness (weightlifting and spinning), snowboarding, opera, theatre, art exhibitions, antiquities, MMOs, science fiction, Freemasons, European architecture, European history, European art in general, genealogy, heraldry, political/stock/currency/commodity analysis, travelling - learning about different cultures.


Annual grouse hunting trip, Oslo Pistol Club, Norwegian Masonic Greater Lounge.



I took a year off when I was 25 and played WoW PvE hardcore for a year.


Conservatism - Alliance, human female mage – PvE, Server: Silvermoon

Conservative - Horde, tauren female resto druid – PvP, Server: Silvermoon


I raided hardcore and was a guild leader in a couple of hardcore guilds: Virtue, then Unit, Nordrassil – Rank 1 Alliance PvE. We transferred the guild to Silvermoon. I grew tired of running the guild and sorting recruitment issues so I joined Nevermore, another hardcore guild on Silvermoon (Rank 3). Silvermoon is the most progressed Alliance server in the world out of more than 300 servers (10 million + players worldwide) so the competition is extremely hard. This means we were one of the most progressed guilds in the world at one time. I can honestly say running a hardcore WoW guild is equally challenging to running your own business with 7 employees or more. It requires an extreme amount of work in order to be successful and get server first kills. It was a good experience and something I wanted to do at least a limited amount of time during a period of my life.


I’m currently playing Modern Warfare 2 casually.


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