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Lab work 5 Revision

Lab work 3 Diphthongs and triphthongs

Lab works


The most complex English sounds of the vowel type are the triphthongs /'trIfTPNz/. They consist of a glide from one vowel to another and then to a third, all produced rapidly and without interruption.

The triphthongs can be looked on as being composed of the five closing diphthongs with / q / added on the end.


eI + q = eIq qV + q = qVq
aI + q = aIq aV + q = aVq
OI + q = OIq  


In fast speech the extent of the vowel movement is very small, except in very careful pronunciation. Because of this, the middle of the triphthong can hardly be heard and the resulting sound is difficult to distinguish from some of the diphthongs and long vowels.


Exercise 6 Repetition

Listen and repeat, making sure that the second part of the diphthong is weak.

eI mate [meIt] made [meId] main [meIn] mace [meIs]
aI right [raIt] ride [raid] rhyme [raIm] rice [raIs]
OI quoit [kOIt] buoyed [bOId] Boyne [bOIn] Royce [rOIs]
qV coat [kqVt] code [kqVd] cone [kqVn] close [klqVs]
aV gout [gaVt] loud [laVd] gown [gaVn] louse [laVs]
Iq   feared [fIqd] Ian [Iqn] fierce [fIqs]
eq   cared [keqd] cairn [keqn] scarce [skeqs]
Vq   moored [mVqd] fuel [fjVql]  


Exercise 7 Transcription

Write the symbol for the diphthong you hear in each word (1…12).



Exercise 8 Repetition

Listen and repeat:

eIq layer [leIq]
aIq liar [laIq]
OIq loyal [lOIql]
qVq lower [lqVq]
aVq tower [taVq]


Exercise 1 Vowels and diphthongs

Listen and repeat:

R and E: eI and e aI and R
barn burn are err fast first cart curt lark lurk fade fed sale sell laid led paste pest late let life laugh tight tart pike park hide hard spike spark
OI and L qV and L Iq and J
toy tore coin corn boil ball boy bore foil fall phone fawn boat bought code cord stoke stork bowl ball fear fee beard bead mere me steered steed peer pea
eq and eI eq and Iq Vq and L
dare day stared stayed pairs pays hair hay mare may fare fear pair pier stare steer air ear snare sneer poor paw sure shore moor more dour door tour tore


Exercise 2 Triphthongs

Listen and repeat:

eIq player [pleIq]
aIq tyre [taIq]
OIq loyal [lOIql]
qVq mower [mqVq]
aVq shower [SaVq]


Exercise 3 Transcription of words

You should now be able to recognise all the vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs of English, and all the plosives. Now you will hear one-syllable English words composed of these sounds. Each word will be said twice. Transcribe these words (1…20).


Exercise 4 Production

When you hear the number you should say the word; you will then hear the correct pronunciation, which you should repeat.

1. kJp 6. kxb 11. dAk 16. taId
2. bqVt 7. geIt 12. kqVp 17. bIqd
3. kAp 8. keqd 13. dPg 18. pVt
4. dE:t 9. taIqd 14. kaVqd 19. bAg
5. baIk 10. bE:d 15. beIk 20. daVt


Exercise 5 Fortis/lenis discrimination

When you hear the word, say “fortis” if you hear it as ending with a fortis consonant, and “lenis” if you hear it as ending with a lenis consonant. You will then hear the correct answer and the word will be said again for you to repeat.

Fortis Lenis Fortis Lenis
1. right [raIt] ride [raid] 6. right [raIt] ride [raid]
2. bat [bxt] bad [bxd] 7. tack [txk] tag [txg]
3. bet [bet] bed [bed] 8. rope [rqVp] robe [rqVb]
4. leak [lJk] league [lJg] 9. mate [meIt] made [meId]
5. feet [fJt] feed [fJd] 10. beat [bJt] bead [bJd]

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