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Chapter 2

1 Thus the heavens and the earth

were finished, and all the host of


2 And on the seventh day God

ended his work which he had made;

and he rested on the seventh day

from all his work which he had


3 And God blessed the seventh day,

and sanctified it: because that in it

he had rested from all his work

which God created and made.

4 ¶ These are the generations of the

heavens and of the earth when they

were created, in the day that the

LORD God made the earth and the


5 And every plant of the field before

it was in the earth, and every

herb of the field before it grew: for

the LORD God had not caused it to

rain upon the earth, and there was

not a man to till the ground.

6 But there went up a mist from

the earth, and watered the whole

face of the ground.

7 And the LORD God formed man

of the dust of the ground, and

breathed into his nostrils the breath

of life; and man became a living


8 ¶ And the LORD God planted a

garden eastward in Eden; and there

he put the man whom he had


9 And out of the ground made the

LORD God to grow every tree that

is pleasant to the sight, and good for

food; the tree of life also in the

midst of the garden, and the tree of

knowledge of good and evil.

10 And a river went out of Eden to

water the garden; and from thence it

was parted, and became into four


11 The name of the first is Pison:

that is it which compasseth the

whole land of Havilah, where there is


12 And the gold of that land is

good: there is bdellium and the onyx


13 And the name of the second

river is Gihon: the same is it that

compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.

14 And the name of the third river

is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth

toward the east of Assyria. And the

fourth river is Euphrates.

15 And the LORD God took the

man, and put him into the garden of

Eden to dress it and to keep it.

16 And the LORD God commanded

the man, saying, Of every

tree of the garden thou mayest freely


17 But of the tree of the knowledge

of good and evil, thou shalt not eat

of it: for in the day that thou eatest

thereof thou shalt surely die.

18 ¶ And the LORD God said, It is

not good that the man should be

alone; I will make him an help meet

for him.

19 And out of the ground the

LORD God formed every beast of

the field, and every fowl of the air;

and brought them unto Adam to see

what he would call them: and whatsoever

Adam called every living creature,

that was the name thereof.

20 And Adam gave names to all

cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and

to every beast of the field; but for

Adam there was not found an help

meet for him.

21 And the LORD God caused a

deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he

slept: and he took one of his ribs,

and closed up the flesh instead


22 And the rib, which the LORD

God had taken from man, made he a

woman, and brought her unto the


23 And Adam said, This is now

bone of my bones, and flesh of my

flesh: she shall be called Woman, because

she was taken out of Man.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his

father and his mother, and shall

cleave unto his wife: and they shall

be one flesh.

25 And they were both naked, the

man and his wife, and were not


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