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Слова к диалогу



in the room – в комнате

on the table – на столе

in the street – на улице

on the ship – на судне

on the 1st of January – (1-ro января)

in the morning – утром /и т.д./

in the South – на юге

on deck – на палубе

in summer – летом

on leave – в отпуске

in August – в августе

on Sunday – в воскресенье

at nine o`clock – в 9 часов

after – после

before – перед, до.



The ship is under way ["nd#] [wei] - Cудно на ходу.
to keep [ki:p] watch [wo:t'] - нести вахту
to steer [sti#] the ship - вести судно
to keep course [ko:s] - удерживать судно на курсе
to stand [st!nd] - стоять
helm [helm] - руль
near [ni#] - возле
to look [luk] ahead [#`hed] - смотреть вперед
on-coming [`on k"mi)] vessel - встречное судно
bearing [`b$# ri)] - пеленг
degree [`di`gri:] - градус
to pass [pa:s] - проходить
through [%ru:] - через
to look at   - смотреть на
to go [gou] - идти
to do [du:] - делать



The ship is under way. I am on the bridge. I am keeping watch. I am standing at the helm. I am steering the ship.

The ship is steady on course 230 degrees. I am keeping the course. The master is standing near me. The officer of the watch is standing at the radar. I am looking ahead. There is an on-coming vessel on my starboard.

The master is looking at her through the binoculars.

Is the ship under way? – Yes, she is.

Is the sailor in his cabin? – No, he isn`t. He is on the bridge.

Is the sailor standing at the helm? – Yes, he is.

Is the sailor standing at the radar? – No, he isn`t.

What is the sailor doing? – He is keeping the course.

Where is the master standing?

What ship is passing on the starboard?

What is the master looking at?

What are you doing?



I. а) Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму и дайте краткий положительный и отрицательный ответ.

Образец: The sailor is keeping watch.

Is the sailor keeping watch? -Yes, he is. No, he isn`t.

1. The sailor is standing near him.

2. The officer of the watch is looking ahead.

3. The master is looking at the on-coming vessel.

4. He is steering the ship.

5. We are looking at the ship.

6. They are standing on the bridge.

б) Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

Образец: The sailor is not keeping watch.

II. а) Составьте вопросы типа "What are you doing?", используя следующие слова:

the captain, the sailor, we, they, the sailors, he, the boys.

Образец: the officer – What is the officer doing?

б) Составьте вопросы типа "Where are you going?", используя следующие слова:

the radio officer, the motormen, they, she, you, the carpenter,. the engineers.

Образец: the cook – Where is the cook going?

III. а) You are on watch.

Дайте как можно больше ответов на вопрос "What are you doing?". используя текст.

Образец: I am looking at her.

б) The sailor is on watch (now).

Дайте как можно больше ответов на вопрос "What is the sailor doing?" Используйте текст урока.

Образец: The sailor is standing on the bridge.

IV. Замените в предложениях русские слова на английские.

1. I am looking at них.

2. This is a nice table. Look at него.

3. Give мне твою ручку.

4. The captain is on the bridge. The chief officer is standing near него.

5. Его friend is in Kiev.

6. The on-coming vessel is passing вас on your starboard.

7. Наше ship is large. Look at него.

V. Напишите соответствующий предлог рядом с шариком или стрелкой. Проверьте себя по рисунку 1.


auto-pilot [`o:t# `pail#t] - авторулевой
to take bearing   - брать пеленг
to increase [in`kri:s] - увеличивать(ся)
slowly [slouli] - медленно
closely [klousli] - внимательно
to decrease [di:`kri:s] - уменьшать(ся)
to watch [wot'] - наблюдать
to work [w#:k] - работать



Watchman: 186 on the gyrocompass, 188 on the magnetic compass. The auto-pilot is working.
Officer of the watch: Fine. Take bearing of the ship on the starboard.
Watchman: The bearing is 250 degrees. It is increasing slowly.
Officer of the watch: O.K. Watch it closely.




Starboard! - Право руля!
Starboard fifteen! - 15 право руля!
Port! - Лево руля!
Port five! - 5 лево руля!
Starboard easy! [i:zi] - Право помалу!
Port easy! - Лево помалу!
Port a bit [bit]/a little! [litl] - Немного лево!
Hard-a-starboard! - Право на борт!
Hard-a-port! - Лево на борт!
Midships! [`mid'ips] - Прямо руль!
Steady [stedi] as she goes! - Так держать!
Steady so! [sou] - Так держать!
Steady! - Одерживай!
Ease [i:z] to five! - Отвести руль до 5!
Steer the course! - Править по курсу!
Steer the course one two six! - Править по курсу 126!
Steer for the lighthouse! [`laithaus] (buoy [boi], leading [li:di)] lights) - Дepжaть на маяк! (на буй, по створу)
Кеер the buoy on the port (starboard) bow! - Приведите буй слева (справа) по носу!
Finished [fini't] with the wheel! - От руля отойти!





(every [evri] day [dei] – каждый день, usuallу [`ju:(u#li] – обычно)

  ед. число мн. число
+ I take - я беру We take – мы берем
You take - ты берешь You take – вы берете
He   - он They take – они берут
She takes - она берет  
It   - онo  
Nick takes - Ник берет The sailors take – Maтросы берут
I don`t (do not) take We don`t (do not) take
You don`t (do not) take You don`t (do not) take
He   They don`t (do not) take
She doesn`t (does not) take  
? Общий вопрос.
Do I take? Do we take?
Do you take? Do you take?
  he Do they take?
Does she take?  
Специальный вопрос (Что? Где? Когда? и т. д.)
What do you take?
What do the sailors take? (существ. мн. числа)
What does he take?
What does the sailor take? (существ. ед. числа)



What time [taim] is it? – Который час?



if [if] - если
the ship is at sea [si:] - судно в море
to keep watch   - нести вахту
hour [au#] - час
minute [`minit] - минута
quarter [`kwo:t#] - четверть
half [ha: f] - половина
time [taim] - время
day [dei] - день
from [from]...to [t#] - c... до
during [`dju#ri)] - в течение
if necessary [`nesis#ri] - если необходимо
to turn [t#:n] - поворачивать
left [left] - левый
right [rait] - правый
to steer a steady course - удерживать судно на курсе
to execute [`eksikju:t] - выполнять
orders [o:d#z] - приказы
to take bearings   - брать пеленги
landmark [`l!ndma:k] - береговой знак
also [`olsou] - также
to hoist [hoist] a flag [fl!g] - поднимать флаг
shape ['eip] - фигура для сигнализации
to look out [`lu:k `aut] for danger [`deind(#] - наблюдать за опасностью
to live [liv] - жить
I am married [`m!rid] - Я – женат.
I am single [`si)l] - Я – холост.
to study [`st"di] - изучать, заниматься
to work [w#:k] hard [`ha:d] - работать усердно
to want [wont] - хотеть, желать
language [l!)wid(] - язык
to know [`nou] - знать
teacher [`ti:t'#] - учитель
well [wel] - хорошо
house-wife [`hauswaif] - домохозяйка



lf the ship is at sea I keep watch on the navigating bridge.

I keep one watch a day from 12.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs.

During my watch I stand at the helm. If necessary I turn the helm to port or to starboard (to the left or to the right). I steer a steady course. I execute the wheel orders of the master or the officer of the watch.

If necessary I take bearings of landmarks. I also hoist flags or shapes in the day time and switch on the lights at night.

I also look out for dangers.


I live in Odessa. I work for a shipping company. I work on the ship "A". I am married (single).

I study English. I work hard at my English every day because I want to know English well.

Do you live in Odessa? – Yes, I do.

Do you live in Kiev? – No, I don`t.

Do you work for a shipping company?

Do you work on the ship "A"? – Yes, I do.

Are you married? – Yes, I am.

Is your wife a teacher? – No, she isn`t.

She is a house-wife.

Do you study English?

Do you want to know English well?

What do you do? – (Кто вы по специальности?)

Where do you live? Where do you work?

What ship do you work on?

What does your wife do? – (Кто ваша жена по специальности?)

What language do you study?

Why do you work hard at your English?

Where do you keep watch?

What do you do during your watch?



I. Ваш друг – матрос. Задайте ему 7 вопросов о вахте.

Образец: Do you keep watch on the bridge?

Используйте слова и выражения из текста А.

II. Выберите из текста А три главных предложения – самое важное из того, что вы делаете во время вахты.

III. Вы только что познакомились с матросом по фамилии Браун. Какие вопросы вы бы ему задали, чтобы узнать о нем подробнее?

IV. Вы проходите аттестацию в крюинговой компании. Как бы вы ответили на следующие вопросы:

1. Where do you live?

2. Where do you work?

3. What do you do?

4. What ship do you work on?

5. Are you married?

6. What does your wife do? или What is your wife?

7. Do you have children?

8. How many children do you have?

9. Do you speak English? – (A little – немного)

10. Do you study English?

11. Where do you study English? (at the courses – на курсах, on my own [oun] – самостоятельно)


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