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Comprehension check. Answer the questions.





Unit V.

V. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Simple or Past Simple.

III. Make up sentences using the following words.

1. His, worked, often, son, last year, hard.

2. His parents, advised, the teacher, more strict, to be with, their, son.

3. And, friendly, were, happy, families.

4. Not, their, to be, parents, wanted children, rude.

5. Decided, to come back, Mother, to allow, her son, later.


IV. Refer the following sentences to the Past Indefinite Tenses using: yesterday, last, week, the day before yesterday, last summer, last winter, some years ago.

1. Parents are, in my opinion, more tolerant on the behaviour of their sons and daughters.

2. When granny comes to visit them, the children are happy.

3. Grandpa buys them sweets and ice-cream.

4. He always helps his parents about the house.

5. Parents often feel angry with their children.


1. I (to listen) to music every evening.

2. I (to go) to the concert yesterday.

3. She (to like) pop music.

4. They (non to play) the piano yesterday.

5. I usually (to turn on) the TV – set in the evening but yesterday I (to do) it in the morning.

6. As a rule my mother (to sing) Ukrainian songs, but last Sunday she (not to do) it. She (to sing) English songs.

7. This composer (to create) a lot of nice song last year?

I. Listen and read. [ Ө]

theme north fifth thread thought

thought south Smith threw moths

thing month faith thrust

thumb youth three throng

thin truth throw

thick birth


1.Think things over.

2.A thousand thanks to you both.

3.You've trust the thing in my throat.

4.Theo sees through things.

5.I'll speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

6.The third of March, nineteen thirty – three.

7.I think it is the third.

II. Read and remember the proverbs:

1. A sound mind in a sound body.

2. Where there is a will there is a way.


III. Read and pronounce correctly.

Gymnastics, windsurfing, rugby, baseball, parachuting, hockey, tennis, golf, basketball, horse riding, canoeing, climbing, swimming, tennis, football, skateboarding, skiing, sailing, athletics, judo, cycling, skating, water skiing, volleyball, karate.

Classify these sports:

1) Water sports; 2) adventure sports; 3) ball games; 4) other individual sports.


IV. Answer the questions:

1) Which sport is the most exciting?

2) Which sport is the most boring?

3) Which sport do you go in for?

4) Which sport would you like to try?

5) How often do you do sport every week?

6) Do you look forward to your P.T. lesson?

7) How often do you watch sport competition?

8) Are you a great sports fan?

9) What kinds of sport can make you strong and quick?

10) How often do you go to the stadium or a sport ground?

11) What do you like better volley – ball or football?

12) Are there any fans in your group?

13) Do you read sports news in the newspaper?

14) Are you a good swimmer?

15) Where do you prefer to swim – in – the sea, in the river or in the lake?

16) What sport do you go in for in winter?

17) Do you think sports develop people only physically?

18) What moral qualities does sport develop in people?


V. Say a few sentences about any kind of sports.

Example. Skating is a wonderful sport. It's a pity I can go in for skating only in winter. I can skate on the lake or on the skating – rink. Skating makes me strong, quick, healthy. I always feel fresh after some hours in the open air. I think skating is good exercise for many people who like it.


VI. Conversational phrases expressing attitude to a statement.

I think so – Думаю, що так

I believe so – Думаю, що так

That goes without saying. – Це само по собі зрозуміло

As far as I know - Наскільки я знаю

I don’t agree with it - я з цим не згоден

Far from it – Далеко не так

I don’t believe it – Я не вірю цьому

I shouldn’t say so – Я б так не сказав

Right you are – Ви маєте рацію

That's what I feel too – Я теж так думаю


1. Your favourite kind of sport is gymnastics.

2. Only young people go in for sports.

3. Sports make people strong and healthy.

4. You shouldn’t go to the stadium very often because it takes a lot of time

5. Sport is very popular in our country.

6. The most popular kinds of sports in our country are figure skating and tennis.

7. In every school, college, university young people spend much time going in for sports.

8. Sport helps to make people good friends.

9. Sport doesn’t show your character.

10. Sport gives us joy and pleasure.

11. Everybody should go in for sport.

12. Health is more important than money.

13. To go in for sports is harmful.

14. Football is a very interesting game.


VII. Skimming reading. Look through the text and try to understand what it is about Cheerleaders.

When you go to a college or high school sports even, you see cheerleaders. They are male or female. They dress in the colours of their team. They jump and dance in front of the crowd and shout the name of their team. Their job is to excite the crowd. Everybody makes a lot of noise. They want their team to win the game.

The first cheerleader was a man. In 1898, Johny Campbell jumped in front of the crowd and the University of Minnesot and shouted for his team. This was the first organized shout. For the next 32 years cheerleader were men only.

Today cheerleaders work in teams. They practice shouts, dances and athletic shows. Often the women work separately from the men. But cheerleaders are most exiting when men and women work together. The men throw the women high in the air and catch them. The team members climb on each others shoulders to make a pyramid. They shout and dance too. It's like fireworks. Cheerleaders have their own contests. Contests for cheerleaders are held. And the crowd shouts. They want thus Cheerleaders to win.


1. Where do we see cheerleaders?

2. Who was the first cheerleader?

3. How do they work?

4. Do you think that cheerleaders are a good idea?


VIII. You are going to read an article about a person who has had a lot of accidents in his life.

My mother says I have been putting my life in danger every weekend since I was twelve. I have broken twenty – seven bones in my body in that time, but I can't say no to a challenge! I was twelve when I first broke my leg. It happened while I was learning to role – skate. I had just learnt to turn corners, but I had not learnt to stop and I suddenly met a brick wall. Then I broke an arm and six ribs when was horse – riding. I was playing football when I broke the other arm, and after an ice – hockey match I had to lie in bed in plaster from my neck to my ankles for six months.


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