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Olympic Games.

Recommend this man several kinds of sport which could be less dangerous.

IX. Read the information and in not more than 25 words tell the main content of it.

The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 B.C. and took place every four year for nearly 1,200 years an Olympia, in Greece. The citizens of all the Greek states were invited to take part in the games. The prizes were wreaths made of the branches of olive trees. In 394 A.D. the games were stopped and they were not held again until 1896.

The games of 1996 were held in Athens and they were the First International Olympic Games. All the nations of the world were invited to send athletic teams.

Now each country sends teams for as many of the different events as possible. The winners of each event are given a certain number of points. The International Olympic Committee decided where each Olympics will take place. They ask a city to be the host. Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held in a different country. Famous sportsmen compete in many kinds of sport. The Olympic Games are very popular in Ukraine. All loves of sport watch the Games on TV.


Choose the right answer.

a. The Olympic Games have a … history.

a) short; b) long; c) interesting;

b. The Olympic Games began …

a) quite recently; b) at the end of the 19 th century; c) in 776 B.C;

c. The Games are held …

a) every four years; b) occasionally; c) every two years;

d. … may take part in the Olympics.

a)only Greek athletes; b) sportsmen from all over the world; c) only young sportsmen;

5. The Games of 1896 were held in …

a) Athens; b) Tokyo; c) Montreal;

6. Only … can take part in the Olympic Games.

a) professional athletes; b) amateurs; c) women.



X. Read the following texts and speak about the famous sportsmen of the world.

Brothers Klychko.

We can say that sport helps to achieve success in life. For example, brothers Klychko go in for boxing and always take first places in different world competitions in boxing. Voladymyr is one of the Olympic champions heavy – weight in boxing. He is the only one white champion in the history of the Olympic Games. Brothers Klychko work hard and sport helps them to achieve success in life despite all difficulties in their life. Last time Volodymyr lost the game, but he lost with dignity. Brothers Klychko are very rich. They travel all over the world, sometimes work in popular shows, speak German very well. They are Ukrainians. And we are proud of them.


Andriy Shevchenko.

Forward. Born in 1976, a pupil of Dynamo Kyiv school of football. He scored 32 goals in National League Matches. He is a champion of 1995, 1996, 1997. Ukrainian cup – winner in 1996 scored 9 goals in 13 European cup matches. Scored 5 goals in 13 matches playing in Ukrainian national team. He was 24 when specialists called him the most talented player in the history of Ukrainian football and compared him to the legendary Oleg Blokhin. A brilliant football personality and at the same time, a model team player, A. Shevchemko draws all of the best characteristics of a Modern football forward himself. He is called a "player of the 21 – st century."

XI. Study the table:

Athletics Lilia Podkopayeva Inga Babakova Svitlana Horkina
Skiing Raisa Smetanina Stephania Belmondo
Boxing Brothers Klychko Mike Tyson Lenox Luis Roy Johns
Gymnastics Alina Kobayeva Bessonova
Wrestling Olexandr Karelin
Running Zhanna Pentusevich
Swimming Yana Klochkova Oleh Lisohor
Tennis Andre Agassi Boris Becker Marat Saphin Anna Kurnikova
Football Shevchenko Kaha Kaladze Zinedin Zidane
Basketball Sabonis Hizhnyak Mike Jordan
Ice Hockey Vyacheslav Phetisov Oleksiy Yashin Pavlo Bure
Chess O. Ponomariov Garry Kasparov A. Ivanchuk

XII. Read the composition below and write an essay reflecting the situation with sport in our country. Guiding questions will help you to cope with your work.

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