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Vocabulary Commentary

The weather



Lesson 2.3.1. Seasons and weather

Дидактический материал к занятиям 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3

Самостоятельная работа

Занятие 2.3.3. Виды отпуска и путешествий Types of holiday and travelling

Цели занятия

Образовательная: расширение лингвистического кругозора через страноведческую информацию

Развивающая: развитие речевых способностей обучаемых в процессе овладения языком. Развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению ИЯ

Воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения. Воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка.

Практическая: развитие монологических и диалогических умений


1. Освоить лексику по теме «Виды отпуска и путешествий»:

tour, to go on/make a tour of, voyage, to go on a voyage, cruise, journey, trip, excursion, to go on/make an excursion, to go sightseeing, campsite, to get on/off a plane(train, bus),coast, bank, shore, seaside, to take good care of visitors

2. Прочитать текст (упр. №3) и ответить вопросы по тексту.

3. Рассказать о преимуществах и недостатках различных видов путешествий (см. упр. № 7,9).

4. Научиться переводить информацию о путешествиях для туристов на русский язык.

5. Написать сочинение-рассуждение о путешествии Вашей мечты.

6. Написать другу/друзьям и родственникам сообщения в электронном виде /на почтовых открытках о своём путешествии.

Найти в Интернете информацию о путешествиях для туристов и перевести ее на русский.


1. What is your favourite season and why? What do you enjoy doing most at this time of the year?

2. The English spend so much time discussing the weather. Why?

Ex 1. a) Read the text and explain the words in bold as in example.

e.g. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time or over a certain short period.

The English are famous for their tea and their weather. And the English are always talking about their weather. But English weather is never the same two days running. So everyone notices it. " Awful day, isn't it?" "Lovely weather for ducks". "Did you have good weather?" "What was the weather like?" "Nice day". "Fine day today". "A beautiful day, isn't if?" "Isn't the weather awful?" "It's pouring outside".

The best time of the year in England is spring and early summer. Then the cold winds and the fog and the heavy rains have all gone, and the sun is warm for the first time. Of course it rains sometimes then too, and it is oftencloudy, but not so often as in winter. It rains quite often all the year round in England. That's why it is such a green country, with long rich grass for the cattle and sheep, and beautiful lawns in the gardens.

Autumn is sometimes a time of very good weather, with clear blue skies and the sun shining every day. But spring is better because after spring comes summer, the short English summer, when people go to the seaside, to the coast, to bathe in the sea and dig in the sand. But in autumn, even when the sun shines, there is winter to follow.

Sometimes England has nosnow at all in winter, but the North and Scotland have some after Christmas. If there is a long frost and the ice is hard enough, then everyone who has skates gets them out and skates on the rivers and pools. The east wind is cold and blows in from the North Sea. Then all England shivers especially in the east. The Welsh are lucky, because Wales is in the west and is warmer than most of England.

England is a difficult country for people who work out of doors people like milkmen, people like farmers, and postmen and policemen. In the morning it can be cold, in the afternoon warm and in the evening raining. One day it rains, the next day it may be sunny and the next it can be cold again.

But foggy weather is the very worst. The thick white fog rolls in from the sea all over London and the cities, and then mixes with pollution that is caused by industry. The fog gets thicker, dirtier, and yellower. In London this is called smog a mixture between smog and fog. Then it is dark in the middle of the day and people cannot see their way, buses and cars crawl along slowly with their lights on, blowing their horns, and everyone coughs.

Everyone in England hates to wake up in the morning and see the yellow fog through the window. They get up, eat their breakfast and put on their coats and scarves and gloves and hats.

" Terrible weather!" say twenty million Englishmen, as they go to work that morning.

b) Read the text again and answer the questions.

• What are the English famous for? 2.Why are the English always talking about the weather? 3. What is the best time of the year in England? 4.Why? Why is England such a green country? 5. What is the autumn like in England? 6. How do the English spend their short English summer? 7. What is the winter like in England? 8. What is the warmest place in England? Why? 9. Why is England a difficult country for people who work out of doors? 10. What weather is the worst in England? Why? 11. What is the difference between “climate” and “weather”?

Climate is the average weather conditions of a place; it is made up of the average summer and winter temperature, the amount ofsunshine, the direction of the winds, the average rainfall.

Climate can be cold, dry, wet, mild, tropical, subtropical, continental.

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time orover a certain short period. Weather is connected with atmospheric pressure, temperature, rainfall, cloudness and wind.

Weather can be good, bad, fine, excellent, beautiful, rainy, snowy, stormy, dry, hot, cold, cool, warm, pleasant.

Weather (n., unc)

Why do people speak so much about the weather?

The weather was fine and we decided to have a walk.

What is the weather like today?

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Weather conditions

Look at this list of common weather words. Notice that it is verycommon to form adjectives by adding “-y”.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

sun sunny wind windy

cloud cloudy ice icy

fog foggy shower showery

heat hot humidity humid

Cold weather

Chilly (cold but not very), frosts (thin white coat of ice on everything), sleet (rain and snow mixed), slush (dirty, brownish, half-water), blizzards (snow blown by high winds), snowdrifts (deep banks of snow against walls, etc), thaw (change from hard, frozen state to normal), to melt (change from solid to liquid under heat).

e.g. In the north, the chilly days of autumn soon change to the cold days of winter. The first frosts arrive and the roads become icy. Rain become sleet end then snow, at first turning to slush in the streets but soon settling, with severe blizzards and snowdrifts in the far north. Freezing weather often continues inthe far north until May or the ice melts again.

Warm/ hot weather

Close /klovs/ (warm anduncomfortable), stifling (hot, uncomfortable, you can hardly breathe), humid (hot and damp, makes you sweat a lot), boiling (very hot, often used in negative contexts), scorching (very hot, often used in positive contexts), mild (warm at a time when it is normally cold).

Note also: We had a heatwave last month (very hot dry period)

Wet weather

This wet weather scale gets stronger from left to right.

damp drizzle pour down/downpour torrential rain flood

Autumn in London is usually chilly and damp with rain and drizzle.

It was absolutely pouring down or there was a real downpour or it was pouring with rain. This phrase is much more common than “it’s raining cats and dogs”.

In the Tropics there is usually torrential rain most days, and the roads often get flooded or there are floods on the roads.This rain won't last long; it's only a shower (short duration).The storm damaged several houses (high winds and rain together).


A spell (=period) of very hot weather often ends with a thunderstorm. First it becomes very humid (= hot aid wet), then you get thunder and lightning, and finally, very heavy rain (=itpours with rain). Afterwards, it is usually cooler and it feels fresher.

e.g. The storm damaged several houses (high winds and rain together).

We got very wet in the thunderstorm (thunder and heavy rain).

Lightning. The flashes it lightning were seen in the horizon.

Hailstones were battering the roof of our car (small balls of ice falling from the sky). Hail (uncountable). The sky is a bit overcast (very cloudy). I think it’s going to rain.

Mist and Fog

Haze (light mist, usually caused by heat), mist (light fog, often on the sea, or caused by drizzle), fog (quite thick, associated with cold weather), smog (mixture of fog and pollution: smoke+fog)


A breeze awind a strong winda gale a hurricane

The first word here is very gentle; the last is more than 100km per hour and can be very dangerous. It was a hot day but there was a lovely breeze.

The windblew my hat off.

There's been a gale morning; it would be crazy to go sailing

The hurricane in Florida destroyed trees and buildings.

The South wind brings wet weather.

The North wind is wet and cold together.

The West wind always brings us rain.

The East wind blows it back again.

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