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Speaking and writing



Ex 6. Matt and Diana are talking about six of their friends. When you hear a “beep”, write the missing word you think they say.


Alex _________________ Randy ________________



Kelly _________________ Chris _______________



Megan ___________________ Sam ___________________

Ex 7. Discuss the following questions.

· Which words in exercise 6 describe you?

· What other words describe you?

1. We use the question What does he/she look like? to ask about someone’s physical appearance.

What does your friend look like? He’s tall and handsome.

2. We use question How is ……? to ask about someone’s health.

How is your mother? Oh, she’s much better, thanks.

We also use How is/was…? to ask about someone/s work, or the day at school, or the journey.

How was your school today? I got an ‘A’ for English.

3. We use the question What’s he/she like? When we mean Tell me about … We use this question to ask about someone’s personality rather than their appearance.

What are your neighbors like? They seem very good.


We don’t use like in the answer.

What’s your new teacher like? She seems very nice.

4. We use the following prepositions in comparative phrases:

I think she’s more attractive than her sister.

Your eyes are very similar to your mother’s.

Are these glasses very different from your old ones?

She looks like a business woman.

Her earrings are the same as mine.

He’s the tallest in the class.

Ex 8. Match the questions in A to the answers in B.

1. What does he look like? No. He’s clean-shaven.
2. How is she? About average height.
3. What’s he like? He’s fine.
4. How old is she? He’s tall, dark and handsome.
5. How tall is he? He seems very nice.
6. What color are his eyes? Brown.
7. has he got a beard? About 22.

Ex 9. Which of the questions is about:

physical appearance? features (hair, etc.)?

height? personality?

health? the color of something?

Ex 10. And if possible, ask another person some questions on the topic.

Ex 11. Look at the adjectives and discuss with your partner:

a)How important are these qualities in a friend? Mark them

I (important), SI (somewhat important), NVI (not very important):

physical appearance, a sense of humor, beauty, manliness, flexibility, intelligence, reliability, blue eyes, modesty, good manners, confidence, sincerity.

b) What other qualities are important in a friend? And in a boss? In a partner?

c)What qualities do other people see in you?

d) What qualities do you like to develop? Why?

Ex 12. You have to write an article to a newspaper. You should describe an image of a successful person. Interview an image-maker and give a portrait of a prosperous person.

Ex 13. Write an essay “Everybody wants to succeed in life. Both physical and personality characteristics are equally important for it. What is necessary for making an image?”

Ex 14. Translate from English into Russian.

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