

Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748)

Graphic Equivalents of the /j/ Phoneme

/j/ is pronounced when spelt:

y yes /jes/ — да, yield /ji:ld/ — уступать

i opinion /ə'pınıən/ — мнение, onion /' Λ njən/ — лук

u in initial position:

union /ju:njən/ — союз, use /ju:s/ — польза

eu in initial position:

euphony /'ju:fənı/ — благозвучие

ue rescue /'reskju:/ — спасение

ewe ewer /'ju:e/ — кувшин

eur Europe /'ju:ərəp/ — Европа

eau beauty /'bju:tı/ — красота

ew, iew in medial and final positions:

news /nju:z/ — новости, view /vju:/ — вид



I. sonorant. Like /j/, /w/ is pronounced with a
glide onto another vowel of greater prominence;

II. labial, bilabial, the tongue begins to move from
an /u/-like vowel with strongly rounded lips;

III. constrictive, bicentral, velar, median with a
round narrowing;

IV. oral.

This sound is bicentral. The first, or primary, focus is formed by the lips which are protruded and rounded. The second, or back secondary fo­cus is formed by the back part of the tongue which is raised to the soft palate (velum). The flow of air passes out of the mouth cavity without any audible friction along the median line of the tongue, its sides being raised, and through the round narrowing formed by the protruded lips, which instantaneously part. The vocal cords vibrate.

There is no similar sound in the system of Russian consonants. There is a danger of confusing /w/ with /v/. This mistake is phonemic, because bilabial vs. labio-dental articulatory features in these two pho­nemes serve to differentiate the meaning of the words, e.g.

whale кит — veil вуаль west запад — vest нижняя сорочка; вставка wine вино — vine виноградная лоза worse хуже — verse стих


Graphic Equivalents of the /w/ Phoneme

/w/ is pronounced when spelt:

w sweet /swi:t/ — сладкий

wh why /waı/ — почему, what /wυt/ — что, which /wıtς/ — какой

qu quite /kwaıt/ — совсем, square /skwεə/ — площадь

su persuade /pə'sweıd/ — убеждать

And also in the words:

one /w Λ n/ — один, once /w Λ ns/ — однажды, choir /kwaıə/ — хор

/w/ is not pronounced:

(1) when followed by r:

write /raıt/ — писать, wrong /rυŋ/ — зло; неверно

(2) in the words:

who /hu:/ — кто, whose /hu:z/ — чей, чье, whom /hu:m/ — кого, whole /həul/ — целое, towards /to:dz, tə'wo:dz/ — по направлению к, two /tu::/ — два

(3) in the geographical names ending in -wich, -wick:
Greenwich /'grınıdЗ/ — Гринвич, Chiswick /'tςı3ık/ — Чизик



I. sonorant;

II. lingual, forelingual apical, alveolar: the tip and the blade are slightly
pressed against the alveolar ridge;

III. constrictive, lateral, bicentral, front secondary focus [l], back sec­ondary focus [l];

IV. oral.

There are two positional allophones of the /1/ phoneme in English: one is the "clear", or "soft" [1], it is pronounced with the front secondary focus; the other variant of the /1/ phoneme is the "dark" /1/, it is pronounced with the back secondary focus, i.e. the back of the tongue is raised towards the velum in a concave shape, it gives a back-central vow­el type resonance to /1/.


back secondary focus

front secondary focus

The soft [1] is pronounced before vowels and /j/, the dark [l] is pro­nounced in word final position and before consonants.

“soft” /l/ “dark” /l/

leap, lean, flee, Lewis bill, hill, mill, well, cold

In the articulation of the /1/ phoneme the tip with the blade of the tongue is pressed against the teeth ridge to form an obstruction. The air escapes rather freely along the sides of the tongue, which are lowered (usually only one side of the tongue is lowered) (lateral articulation).

The English soft /1/ is not so soft as the Russian /л/ (in the articula­tion of the Russian /л/ the front part of the tongue is raised still higher to the hard palate). To avoid extra palatalization in the articulation of the English soft [1] the following contrast exercises are recommended:

лев — /left/ лес — /les/ лили — /'hli/

лип — /lip/, /li:p/ люк — /luk/

лед — /lot/ лет — /let/

The Russian soft and hard /л, л'/ are separate phonemes, because each of them serves to differentiate the meaning of words:

мол — моль лот — лёд ел — ель

мел — мель дал — даль угол — уголь

Graphic Equivalents of the /l/ Phoneme

/l/ is pronounced when spelt:

l lay /lei/ — класть

ll well /wel/ — колодец, родник; хорошо

/l/ is not pronounced in the following words:

would /wud/ — тяга, желание, should /ςud/ (past of shall), talk /to:k/— беседа, walk /wo:k/ — ходьба, folk /fəuk/ — люди, balm /ba:m/ — бальзам, calm /ka:m/ — тишь, calf /ka:f/ — теленок, half /ha:f/ — половина, almond /'a:mənd/ — миндаль, salmon /'sæmən/ — лосось


Occlusive-Constrictive Noise Phonemes (Affricates) /tς, dЗ/

I. /tς/ voiceless fortis, /dЗ/ voiced lenis;

II. lingual, fore- and mediolingual, apical, palato-alveolar;

III. occlusive-constrictive (affricates) bicentral

(front secondary focus) with a flat narrowing;

IV. oral.

From the articulatory point of view /tς, dЗ/ are indivisible clusters of two sounds: /t/+/ς/=/tς/; /d/+/З/=/dЗ/.

/tς, dЗ/ are bicentral. The first, or primary, focus is formed by the tip and the blade of the tongue, touching the back part of the teeth ridge; the contact is relatively slowly released into friction. The sec­ond, or front secondary focus is formed by the front part of the tongue, which is raised to the hard palate.

There are two affricates in the system of Rus­sian consonants /ч/ and /ц/. The English /tς/ and the Russian /ч/ are al­most similar, but in the Russian /ч/ articulation the front part of the tongue is raised higher to the hard palate, than in /tς/ articulation. The Russian /ч/ is softer than the English /tς/.

In order to avoid /tς, dЗ/ confusion the following exercise is recom­mended:

catches ловит — cadges попрошайничает

riches богатства — ridges горные хребты

lunch ленч — lunge бросок

beseech умолять — besiege осаждать

There is no sound in the Russian language similar to /dЗ/, but when the Russian /ч/ is voiced under the influence of the following voiced consonants /б, д, г, з, ж/ we hear a sound similar to /dЗ/:

меч златой с плеч долой

ключ забыл врач дома

луч заката

Care should be taken to pronounce both parts of the affricate /dЗ/ simultaneously. Cf.:

Джон — /dЗυn/ John Джек — /dЗæk/ Jack Джейн — /dЗeın/ Jane

The Russian /ц/ is one more affricate, which can be defined as: occlusive-constrictive, noise, forelingual, dorsal, dental, voiceless. TheEnglish /ts/ is a cluster of two consonants — /t/+/s/, e.g. cats /kæts/.

/tς/ is pronounced when spelt:

ch child /'tςaıld/ — ребенок

tch kitchen/'kıtςən/— кухня

tu nature /'neıtςə/ — природа

ti question /'kwestςən/ — вопрос

te righteous /'raıtςəs/ — праведный

Also in the word mischief /'mıstςıf/ — вред.

/dЗ/ is pronounced when spelt:

j joy /dЗoı/ — радость

g before e, i, у in French and Latin borrowings:

giant /'dЗaıənt/ — гигант, gem /dЗеm/ — драгоценный камень,

ge, gi in the middle of the word in an accented syllable, between the vowel sounds:

advantageous /,ædvən'teıd3əs/ — выгодный, legion /li:dЗən/ — легион

ge at the end of words:

large /la:dЗ/ — большой, singe /sındЗ/ — спалить, подпалить,

but rouge /ru:З/ — румяна

dg budget /'b Λ dЗıt/ — бюджет, knowledge /'nυlıdЗ/ — знание

du verdure /'vз:dЗə/ — зелень

de grandeur /'grændЗə/ — величие, великолепие

di soldier /'səuldЗə/ — солдат

ch Greenwich /'grınıdЗ/ — Гринвич, sandwich /'sænwidЗ/ — сандвич, бутерброд



<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Graphic Equivalents of the /r/ Phoneme | Subsidiary Variants of English Consonant Phonemes
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