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First of all, nonetheless, of course, for example, thus


I. Explain the sentences:

1. Both schools are exceptional and might be termed magnet schools in the US.

2. To enter the school children are “interviewed” to assure that they have good requisite skills and record to be successful.

3. The Russians, for the most part, have other schools for the children we would mainstream.

4. The buildings are well cared for with limited means.

5. There are many safety regulations that would cause the schools to be shut down if they were located in America.

6. Rooms are spare, to say the least.

7. All learning, in whatever areas seemed to be pursued to a level of excellence.

8. Classes were teacher directed.


II. Answer the questions:

1. What is the difference between the Russians and Americans in approaching “sick” students?

2. What does the authour say about the interior of School#15? What differs it from American schools?

3. What is the difference in the classrooms interior? What the authour’s attitude to it?

4. What amazed the authour in the classrooms’ atmosphere?

5. Which facts mentioned by the authour were pleasant to read?

6. Which authour’s reflections were not words of praise?

7. Which things surprised you in his reflections?



17. The following paragraph, written by a teacher whose first language is not English, is about two of the factors that make his job satisfying. It has errors with word form and the passive. Find and correct these errors. Then, test your ability to use connectors by choosing the appropriate connector to fill in each blank from the list of connectors given below:

The two factors which make my job as a high school teacher satisfying are developing a sense of trust with the students and seeing their progress. __________, it is necessary to develop a sense of trust between my students and myself. I have always felt that it is indispensable for the teacher to build a good relation with students, including developing one with the parents, too. A good relationship with the students makes the atmosphere in class one of learning and the students find themselves eagerly to learn. __________, last year a student of mine, Juan, told me that he was very unsure of his ability to do mathematics because he had transferred from a school that had a poor math department. To help him gain confidence, I worked with him during the lunch period and helped him catch up with the class. At the end of the semester, he was getting a B, and said to me, “You trusted me and helped me learn to trust myself. Thank you.”

The second factor that makes my job as a teacher satisfying is seeing the progress of my students. _________, it is a part of my job to encouragement students to get good results on their examinations; yet, it gives me a sense of personal satisfaction when they are been accepted by the university of their choice or get a summer job based on some of the skills they have been teached. Their succeed encourages me to work harder so that their dreams, and those of their parents, will come true. While it is true that I am often evaluate by whether or not my students success, it is the personal investment in their future that makes me feel satisfy with my job. If I had to choice a career all over again, I would definitely choose teaching.


18. Fill in the gaps with the following words:

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