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Lesson overview. Animating a multimedia presentation


Laboratory work 5

Review answers

Review Questions

Building a DVD menu

You can use After Effects to create buttons for a DVD menu you’re designing in Adobe Encore®. When you select a group of layers to create an Encore button, After Effects precomposes the layers and names the precomposition according to the standards Encore uses for naming buttons.

After Effects includes template projects with entire DVD menus that you can use as the basis of your own menus. To preview them in Adobe Bridge, choose File > Browse Template Projects in After Effects.

􀁴 To create a button, select the layers you want to include, and choose Layer > Adobe Encore > Create Button. Name the button to match its function, such as Play Movie or Scene Selection. Then use the menus to assign up to three highlight layers and one video thumbnail layer.

􀁴 To assign a layer to a subpicture, select the layer, and choose Layer > Adobe Encore > Assign To Subpicture.

􀁴 To export the button, select the composition in the Project panel, and choose Composition > Save Frame As > Photoshop Layers.


1 What is a shape layer, and how do you create one?

2 How can you quickly create multiple copies of a shape?

3 What is the advantage of using the Brainstorm feature?

4 What does the Pucker & Bloat path operation do?

5 How does the Cartoon effect work?

1 A shape layer is simply a layer that contains a vector graphic called a shape. To create a shape layer, draw a shape directly in the Composition panel using any of the drawing tools or the Pen tool.

2 To quickly duplicate a shape multiple times, apply a Repeater operation to the shape layer. The Repeater path operation creates copies of all paths, strokes, and fills included in the layer.

3 The Brainstorm feature creates variants of your composition based on randomized settings in the properties you selected. The feature makes it possible to explore numerous possibilities quickly and easily, and to save or apply them with a single click.

4 The Pucker & Bloat operation pulls the path’s vertices outward while curving segments inward (puckering), or pulls the vertices inward while curving segments outward (bloating). Negative values pucker a shape; positive values bloat it.

5 The Cartoon effect stylizes a layer by removing some details and emphasizing others, and by simplifying color. You can change settings in the Effect Controls panel to finetune the effect’s behavior.


In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:

􀁴 Create a complex animation with multiple layers.

􀁴 Adjust the duration of a layer.

􀁴 Clip live motion video using a shape layer.

􀁴 Animate with Position, Scale, and Rotation keyframes.

􀁴 Animate a precomposed layer.

􀁴 Apply the Radio Waves effect to a solid layer.

􀁴 Add audio to a project.

􀁴 Loop an audio track using time remapping.

This lesson will take about an hour to complete. Copy the Lesson05 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard drive for these projects (or create it now), if you haven’t already done so. As you work on this lesson, you’ll preserve the start files. If you need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe After Effects CS5 Classroom in a Book DVD.

Adobe After Eff ects projects typically use a variety of imported footage, arranged in a composition, which is edited and animated using the Timeline panel. In this lesson, you’ll become more familiar with animation fundamentals as you build a multimedia presentation.


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