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Into account


Through a stage

A role

Social maturity

Simple adding and subtracting operations

Into adults

To pass, to play, to do, to take, to grow, to satisfy, to achieve, to govern, to acquire.

Task 20. Fill in the correct verb from the list to make phrases from the text.

Task 19.Underline the correct word to make sentences true to the text. In one sentence both words may suit.

Task 18. Match the words and phrases with similar meanings.

Task 17.Find the English words or expressions that are used in the text to give the following meaning in Russian.

1. Чувственный опыт______________________________________________ 2. Моральный кодекс_______________________________________________ 3. Система ценностей_______________________________________________ 4. Развитие социального сознания_____________________________________ 5. Иметь отношение к чему-либо_____________________________________ 6. Быть способным/уметь делать что-либо______________________________ 7. Позволять делать что-либо________________________________________ 8. Запоминать______________________________________________________ 9. Влиять/воздействовать_____________________________________________ 10. Мыслительные способности______________________________________ 11.Истолковывать, интерпретировать__________________________________ 12. Быть взаимосвязанным___________________________________________ 13.Удовлетворять потребности_____________________________________ 14.Регулировать поведение________________________________________ 15.Осознавать______________________________________________________

1. to satisfy sth A. to fancy
2. to develop B. to suggest
3. to imagine C. to meet sth
4. experience D. to progress
5. appreciation E. to be related to
6. to be linked to F. to allow
7. to propose G. to be busy with
8. to enable H. to feel
9. to be preoccupied with I. awareness

1. Immature people act in accordance with/contrary to an accepted value system. 2. Gradually the child comes to understand other people’s needs need to be taken into account/ignored. 3. The child can consciously/unconsciously manipulate things to have its needs satisfied at the Imperial stage. 4. The sense of self disappears/emerges when the child develops reflexes and senses. 5. Social maturity develops successively/inconsistently progressing to more and more simple/complex understandings of the social world. 6. Most 2-5 year-children memorize/understand the operations of adding and subtracting. 7. Social maturity/immaturity is also frequently associated with conduct or mental disorders. 8. At the concrete/formal operations stage children are capable of adding and subtracting even non-existing objects. 9. Social immaturity in adults is a societal/personal problem for affected individuals

6. ________________________________one’s behavior

Task 21. Pick out all the words and word-combinations from the text whose meaning is понять, осознать что-либо. Fill the gaps with appropriate words.

1. I don't really … how he could persuade her to help him. 2. She … not … how bad her father’s condition was. 3. By the age of 5 children … … of other people’s wishes. 4. The parents were glad that she finally … … that she should consider other people’s feelings. 5. Only a few years later he … … how badly he treated his parents. 6. He was wrong but he didn’t … his mistake.

Task 22. Study the ways the word awareness can be translated: осведомленность, информированность, сознание, осознание, знание, просвещение.

a) Choose the best translation for each of the phrases below:

Environmental awareness → 1) осведомленность в проблемах окружающей среды; 2) осознание важности экологических проблем; 3) экологическая грамотность; 4) экологическое сознание.

Self-awareness → 1) самосознание; 2) самоосмысление; 3) поглощенность собой.

Public awareness – 1) осведомленность общественности; 2) внимание общественности.

Disease awareness – 1) осведомленность о заболевании; 2) знание о клинических проявлениях заболевания.

Ethnic awareness – 1) знание об этнической принадлежности; 2) этническое сознание.

Civic awareness - 1) гражданское сознание; 2) информированность о правах и обязанностях гражданина.

Social awareness – 1) социальная осведомленность; 2) социальное сознание; 3) социальное осознание.

Brand awareness – 1) осведомленность о торговой марке; 2) известность бренда; 3) репутация бренда; 4) узнаваемость бренда.

Political awareness – 1) политическая осведомленность; 2) политическое сознание; 3) информированность относительно политических вопросов.

Cultural awareness – 1) осознание культурной принадлежности; 2) культурное сознание; 3) культурное восприятие.

Legal awareness - 1) правосознание; 2) осведомленность в юридических вопросах.

Spiritual awareness - 1) религиозное сознание; 2) осознание духовных идеалов.

b) Provide a description using the pattern:

A politically aware person is a person interested in and knowing about current political events.

A culturally aware person is a person …

An ecologically aware person is a person …

A spiritually aware person is a person …

A legally aware person is a person …

A socially aware person is a person …

An ethnically aware person is a person …

An environmentally aware person is a person …

Task 23. A. Read the text below and find answers to the following questions:

1. How many dimensions does socialization have? 2. What are the three dimensions of socialization? 3. Why social rules are difficult to learn?

Learning the rules of behaviour in which you are born and grow up is called socialization. To live with other people, a child has to learn what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. This is not easy as it sounds. Some social rules are clear and inflexible. Other social rules leave room for individual decisions, so that sometimes there seems to be a gray area between right and wrong. Some rules change from situation to situation. Some apply to certain categories of people. For example, some rules for boys in our society are different from the rules for girls.

Learning what the rules are – and when to apply or bend them – is, however, only one dimension of socialization. Every society has ideas about what is meaningful, valuable, worth striving for, and beautiful. Every society classifies people according to their family, sex, age, skills, personality characteristics, and other criteria. Every culture has notions about what makes individuals behave as they do. In absorbing these notions, a child acquires an identity as an individual member of a society, a member of different social categories, and a member of a family. Acquiring these identities is the second dimension of socialization.

Finally, socialization involves learning to live with other people and yourself. Anyone who has seen the shock of a 2-year-old’s face when another child his age takes a toy he wants, knows how painful it can be to discover that other people have rights and that you have limitations.

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