Task 10. When dealing with a child you should adjust your vocabulary and manner of speaking to the age of the child. Match the steps one should follow with sample conversations. For one step there are two sample conversations.
Task 9. When dealing with different vulnerable client groups a social worker has to choose a communicative approach that works well for this group. With clients who are poor a social worker has to keep the following things in mind. Turn these sentences into questions to address your client during an interview. One question is already provided for you.
Task 8. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any three and make sentences.
1. … a pace; 6. to lead …
2. to put … practice 7. … this way
3. to be … a high standard 8. to give value …
4. to end … a note 9. to bring relationships … an end
1. Specific concern, problem, or request. Lack of money/some nonmonetary concern.
What are your specific concern, problem, or request? Is it related to a lack of money or to some nonmonetary concern?
2. Client’s goals. Something to happen to achieve these goals.
3. Strengths developed to survive and cope with his or her very difficult circumstances?
4. Personal and family characteristics, situational factors, and economic forces contributing to the poverty experienced by this individual.
5. A time when the client was self-sufficient. Changes in the situation.
6. Growing up in a family living in poverty or in a family with adequate economic resources.
7. Meaning of poverty.
8. Family and close relatives who are poor/ economically different from family and relatives
9. Being abandoned or rejected by family/relatives who are better off economically. Any problems (mental illness, substance abuse, or criminal activity) contributing to this ostracism?
10. Client’s sources of social support and everyday assistance.
11. Strengths or resiliency factors to rely upon to survive and cope with the challenges of living in poverty.
Key: 2. What are your goals, and what needs to happen in order for you to achieve these goals? 3.What strengths have you developed in order to survive and cope with your very difficult circumstances? 4. What personal and family characteristics, situational factors, and economic forces are contributing to the poverty experienced by you? 5. Was there a time when you were self-sufficient and making an adequate living? If yes, what happened to change the situation? 6. Did you grow up in a family living in poverty or in a family with adequate economic resources? 7. What meaning do you assign to being poor? 8. Do you have family and close relatives who are poor, or are you economically different from family and relatives? 9. Have you been abandoned or rejected by family and relatives who are better off economically? If yes, did a problem such as mental illness, substance abuse, or criminal activity contribute to this ostracism? 10. Who are your sources of social support and everyday assistance? 11. What strengths or resiliency factors have you relied upon to survive and cope with the challenges of living in poverty?
Steps to Follow
Sample Phrases
1. Introducing yourself.
A. When I was your age, I was afraid to talk to people.
2. Explaining why you want to talk to the child (the purpose of the interview).
B. Beckie, I am going to make some guesses about what is bothering you. If my guesses are getting closer to what is troubling you, tell me that I am getting warm. If my guesses are wrong, tell me that I am getting cold
3. Engaging the child in a parallel activity.
C. Could you complete the story?/Could you describe what the doll/the character in the pictures is doing/thinking/feeling?
4. Gathering information from children.
D. My name is John Brown. Please call me John. My job is to help children who are having problems at home.
5. Eliciting information if the child is having difficulty articulating a concern (the game of Hot and Cold).
E. What happened next? Then what did you do? Where did this happen? Who was with you?, etc.
F. Katie, we are going to be doing a lot of talking and we may get thirsty. Should we get some juice now or should we wait until later?
Key: 1D; 2A; 3F; 4C, E; 5B.
1. Listen actively and offer emotional support. This support may range from simply acknowledging the existence of the upsetting experience to offering strong reassurance.
A. If you lose control and again injure your child, she will be placed in a foster home.
2. Involve others in the helping process. Encourage the client to reach out to others, or, with his or her permission, contact these significant others.
B. Let us discuss what particular problems you have to handle in this situation and then we’ll prioritize them.
3. Allow the client to express emotion, whether crying or expressing feelings of fear or anger, while you continue to provide emotional support and acceptance.
C. You did the right thing in leaving that violent situation and coming to our shelter.
4. Communicate hope.
D. We offer some programs through the college of technology that will help you to get back into the work field.
5. People in crisis are preoccupied with their pain and problems. They are not able to objectively analyze their situation. Ask questions and actively examine the details of their situation as a way of helping them think more clearly.
E. You can give way to your emotions. It’s OK with me.
6. Use partialization. The person in crisis feels as if he or she is facing a giant and completely unmanageable problem. By breaking the problem down into several smaller ones, to be addressed one at a time, the client will feel more hopeful about regaining control.
F. - Do you have any friends or close relatives that you'd be able to talk all these options with?
- Do you have family or friends you can talk to?
7. Provide factual information.
G. I am sure that we can set you up both physically and mentally to prepare for this difficult life transition.
8. Provide highly specific directions as to what the person needs to do or what will probably happen if he or she takes a certain course of action.
H. I think that you are really able to cope with the problem.
9. Reinforce adaptive behavior. Help the individual identify what worked in the past; encourage the client to take similar actions to address his or her current problem.
I. Do you mind if I ask you some more specific questions so that we can make sure that we can get you the best help possible today?
Key: 1C; 2F; 3E; 4G; 5I; 6B; 7D; 8A;
Task 12. A. Questioning is one the most important communication techniques in social work. Match the information about the most common types of questions used during an interview with the sample questions below. For some question types two sample questions are provided.
A. Open-Ended Questions (allow the interviewee a chance to explain the answer is more useful than a yes or no answer): _________________________________
B. Situational Questions (require the interviewee to explain how he would handle a situation you present):_______________________________________________
C. Negative Balance Questions (ask the client for a situation in which things did not turn out well)___________________________________________________
D. Probing Questions ( move the interview in the right direction, or explore an area of concern in more detail)_____________________________________________
1. "Tell me about a time that".
2. Some persons find that music, meditation, or prayer help relieve pain. Are any of these you would find helpful?”
3. “Is there anything you are hoping for during this time?”
4. Can you recall any episode when the things went wrong/did not turn well for you?
5. “Where do you turn for strength?”
6. "What would you do if…?"
Key: A3,5; B1,6; C4; D2.
B. Ask all the question types above to gather the information about:
1. a case of domestic violence (interviewee is an adolescent suffering from it);
2. a case of child abuse (interviewee is the victim’s grandmother who is trying to protect the child);
3. a case of a bulimic adolescent girl.
Task 13. The other basic communication techniques used in social work are as follows: reflection, conveying empathy, focusing, summarizing, confrontation or challenging, etc. Read the descriptions of these techniques, then, match the technique to the appropriate sample conversations. For some techniques a few examples are provided.
1. Reflection is the verbal understanding of a client statement, it restates the patients cognitive or emotional material, directs the client’s thoughts back to the client. It may use the same words.
1) SW: I wonder whether you have at times thought of this experience in different ways;
2. Paraphrasingis a verbal technique used by social workers to rephrase what the client is saying to the social worker (in different words).
b) C: My mother is out most of the night leaving me alone. She comes home at all hours, sometime she doesn’t come home at all.- SW: What is your mother doing when she is out like this?
3. Clarificationuses other verbal techniques, like questioning, paraphrasing and restating client statements to ensure that the social worker is fully understanding the client's ideas and thoughts.
c) C: I just can't seem to get anywhere in my life - SW: Your lack of progress frustrates you?
4. Reframing is the verbal technique of showing the client there are different perspectives and ideas.
d) SW: Although your doctor has told you nothing more can be done for your cancer, please rest assured there is a lot we can do to help you and your family during this difficult time.
5. Confrontation helps the client become aware of inconsistencies in his or her feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours.
e) C: Thoughts are racing in my mind, I just can’t concentrate, I'm confused. SW: These strange things in your mind are disturbing to you?
6. Self-disclosure reveals personal experiences to another person.
f) C: I only drink a couple of times a day. SW: let's be honest. You drink every morning and every night after work. Wouldn't you say you were dependent on alcohol?
7. Focusing identifies a specific area for discussion, concentrating on a single point.
g) C: I realize now he'll never change I have to accept that. SW: How could you take advantage of the situation so that it can benefit you?
8. Exploration is delving further into a subject or idea.
h) C: People don't understand what it's like to not be able to learn. I can't get good grades in school. I'm stupid. SW: When I was in school, I was dyslexic too. But you can still do well in life despite this problem. You're not stupid, you have a learning disorder.
9. Summarizing is the restatement of the main ideas in a as few words as possible.
i) C: My father used to beat me. SW: Can you give me more information on that? How often did he beat you? How did he do it? Why did he do it?
j) C. My friends started to avoid my company, my wife left me. I did all I could to keep my job, but finally, I was fired too. - SW: So that was the final straw, I guess?
k) SW: This problem seems worth looking at more closely
l) Would you describe it more fully?
m) SW: Of all the concerns you’ve mentioned, which is the most troublesome?
n) C: Do you think I should tell my children about my condition? – SW: Do you think you should?
o) SW: During the past hour, you and I have discussed your ways of coping with the problem?
Key: 1c, n; 2e; 3b; 4a,d, g; 5f; 6h; 7k, m; 8i, l; 9j, o.
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