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Dialogue 2. Translate into Russian:

Dialogue 1


Exercise 5

Exercise 4

Translate into Russian:

Bomb scare on board.

We have almost collided with converging traffic.

Explosion danger on board.

We have dived to avoid colliding with another traffic.

We seem to have a bomb on board.

There appears to be a bomb on board.

We don’t know anything about the type of bomb.

Request priority landing.

Request emergency services.

There is danger of explosion on board.

We are going to file an airmiss report.

Do you think it was wake turbulence?

Is there any collision hazard at present level?

Translate into English:

Резко снижаться;

избежать столкновения;

борты на сближающихся курсах;

реактивный самолет;

рапорт об опасном сближении;


внеочередная посадка;

взрывное устройство на борту;

опасность столкновения;

угроза взрыва;

тип взрывного устройства;


турбулентность в следе;

аварийные службы;

обеспечить необходимый интервал.

MINI TEST (p. 214, 7.3)

Listen to the following transmission and dialogues and answer the questions:


1. What is the problem?

a) bird strike;

b) engine failure;

c) fire on board;

d) bomb scare.

2. What action is being taken?

a) return to base;

b) diversion;

c) immediate landing;

d) flight to destination.

3 Whatis the position of the aircraft?

a) 40 km west of Rexbury;

b) 40 km east of Rexbury;

c) 40 miles east of Rexbury;

d) 40 bm south of Rexbury.

4. What FL is the aircraft at?

a) FL 80;

b) FL 270;

c) FL 170;

d) FL 70.

5. What RW is the aircraft going to land on?

a) RW 17;

b) RW 07;

c) RW 27;

d) RW 05.


1. What is the problem?

a) fuel shortage;

b) wake turbulence;

c) airmiss;

d) explosion danger.

2. What action is being taken?

a) emergency landing;

b) return to base;

c) diversion;

d) flight to destination.

3. What control is the pilot in contact with?

a) Winton Control;

b) Newbridge Control;

c) Rexbury Control;

d) Overby Control.

4. Does the controller know any details about the bоmb?

a) No;

b) Yes;

c) Not exactly;

d) supposes something.

5. Where is the pilot diverting to?

a) Rexbury;

b) Winton;

c) Overby;

d) Newbridge.

6. What is he going to nееd at that aerodrome?

a) emergency services;

b) security services;

c) airport authorities;

d) refulling.


1. What was the рrоblеm?

a) wake turbulence;

b) nearmiss;

c) engine problem;

d) fuel emergency.

2. What evasive action did the pilot take?

a) diving;

b) right turn;

c) climb;

d) left turn.

3. What does ‘converging traffic’ mean?

a) the 2 planes are coming further of each other;

b) one at the planes is just above the other;

c) the 2 planes are coming nearer to each other;

d) one of the planes is just below the other.

4. How did that aircraft look like?

a) a white jet;

b) blue jet;

c) a white turbo-prop;

d) a grey turbo-prop.

5. What happened to some passengers?

a) they have got frightened;

b) they have got heavy injuries;

c) they have been killed;

d) they have got bruised.

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