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Exercises. X has established clearlythat

The conclusion


Giving examples

Referring to slides

Listing points


Signal phrases

X has established clearlythat...

It is well known that...

The introduction

A formal way of beginning is:

I'd like to presentto you the findings of our investigation into...


Some presenters prefer to start in a less formal way:

When wefirst began tostudy the question of X, we thought...


Sometimes the speaker want togeneralize or make a reference to ashared knowledge:

Many studies have shown that...


Other signals that you can use:

■ I'd like to emphasize...

■ Firstly,...


■This slide shows...

■ For instance …

■... such as...

■ On the other hand

■ In contrast...

■ However,...


It is very important to finish the presentation well, for instance by summing up the main conclusions.


So, In conclusion, To sum up, Finally,   we can see... I'd like to say end by... these studies show...

12.1 Here are some expressions from a presentation on carbon monoxide poisoning. After introducing his topic, the speaker spoke about the pathophysiology of CO poisoning, then the possible sources of the gas, and at the end he talked about the diagnosis and treatment. Put these sentences in the correct order.

1 However we have no evidence at all that taking steroids in pharmacological doses is of any proven prophylactic value....

2 How do we diagnose it? The early clinical appearances of carbon monoxide poisoning can be very non-specific....

3 So, the actual diagnosis of the condition can be very difficult....

4 I'd like to inform you about some of our experiences in association to carbon monoxide poisoning.

5 Here, on the slide, we can see that there are a variety of carbon monoxide sources, such as car exhausts, fires, and so on....

6 First of all, I would like to pay attention to smoke from fires which is one of the most important sources of carbon monoxide....

7 Now, in relation to the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning, 100 per cent oxygen administered through a tight-fitting face mask or endotracheal tube is essential. …

8 I think it's important to emphasize that the presence of cherry-red mucous membranes is a very, very poor sign....

9 Now, you will remember that carbon monoxide is strongly connected with haemoglobin to produce carboxyhaemoglobin....

10 We found out that the only accurate way of detecting whether the patient had been exposed to carbon monoxide was usually to measure carboxyhaemoglobin in the venous blood....


12.2 Write the word or phrase used by the speaker in the presentation in 12.1 above next to its function. The first one has been done as an example.


Emphasizing I think it’s important to emphasize that…
Summing up  
Changing topic  
Referring to a slide  
Announcing the topic  


12.3 Answer a question: What makes a good presentation, in your mind? Think about it.

§ loudness of a voice

§ speed of your speech

§ use of emphasis and pausing

§ eye contact with the audience

§ body language-posture and gestures

§ visual aids

12.4 Make a presentation with your partner together, and act in the class (you may chose any theme you like, not only the medical one).


12.5 Match the conditions (1-6) with the organs affected (a-h), using your medical knowledge.

1 hepatitis a) bladder

2 nephritis………………………………………. b) gall bladder

3 gastric ulcer…………………………………... c) kidney

4 cystitis………………………………………….d) liver

5 cholecystitis……………………………………e) stomach

6 ulcerativecolitis………………………………. f) large bowel

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