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Exercise 3. Answer the following questions
1) What can you say about Carlo Scarpa’s influence on restoration of old buildings? 2) What has been echoed all over Europe? 3) What does the connection of two words (castle keep) mean? 4) What was the task of the Caetani castle in Trevi? 5) How does the author of this article describe this castle? 6) What happened later with the material of this castle? 7) Who(m) did the municipality of Trevi ask to help them to organize the local archaeological museum? 8) What was the architects’ fundamental strategy? 9) What can you say about the condition of the stones? 10) Has there been any attempt to restore missing wooden floors? 11) Why was it difficult to restore old parts of the castle? * * * 12) How does a bridge connect to the keep? 13) What structures have all these new pieces? 14) What can you say about balustrades? 15) What materials are roofs over the keep made of? 16) Can you explain why contrast between old and new is most dramatic in the keep? 17) What can one see from the landings? 18) What must have been familiar to the the Castilians? 19) Can you think of the past life of the castle standing now at the top of its wall? 20) You can observe the landscape round the castle because it was restored, can’t you? 21) Have you seen old castles anywhere? Exercise 4. Translate the following words and phrases: главная башня (средневекового замка), смесь, средневековый, современный, образец, элементы из прокатной стали, на протяжении столетий, местные улицы, деревянные части, горный национальный парк, местный археологический музей, пористый известняк, навесные стены, свыше тысячи лет, соответствующий известковый раствор, двутавровые балки, фундаментальная стратегия архитекторов, подвеска из стального стержня, быть осведомленным о чем-либо. Exercise 5. Learn the types of the conditional sentences: Exercise 6. Read and translate the following sentences according to the type of a conditional sentence: 1) If the architect had used more durable building materials 10 years ago the house wouldn’t have been ruined. 2) Such interpretations would have been completely impossible if there had been an attempt to restore the castle to its medieval state. 3) If you help me to built this rural cottage we can build it in a month. 4) If the World War III broke out the life in our planet would come to an end. 5) We’ll begin our work immediately, provided all the workers of our construction team come in time. 6) Had the bricks and concrete been delivered to the construction site yesterday we would have finished this part of work. 7) If the student observed the rules, he would not make mistakes. 8) If he knows the timetable, he will not miss the train. 9) If he had all the necessary materials, he would accomplish his model in time.
Exercise 7. Read and translate text 6B without a dictionary: Text 6B: “STUCCO” The plasterwork that survives from antiquity is invariably what is now known as “stucco-duro”. Early stuccoes were considered suitable for external and internal work but by the eighteenth century, stucco was taken to mean external painted plaster, as the mixture and method had changed. In ancient times, gypsum plaster was casily obtained and a tradition of gypsum stucco became established. To make the stucco, fine marble dust was fermented with a mature lime putty for a week. Curdled milk, lard, egg-white, ox-blood, fig juice or urine might be added, according to well-guarded recipes, to retard the setting or regulate shrinkage and hardness. The paste was applied layer upon layer, each beaten or rubbed into place for as long as three days, before being washed, brushed and polished. The manufacture and use of this material continues in the same way today in modern Yemen. This stucco-duro tradition was lost until the mid-fifteenth century, when Cardinal Giovanni de Medici instigated a serious excavation of Roman ruins. After considerable experimentation and research, the skills were revived. When the Cardinal became Pope in 1513, he commissioned Raphael to build the Ioggia of the Vatican in which stucco was used again. * * * The influence of the Italian stuccoist spread to other parts of Europe, generating the early Renaissance stucco-duro style in France and England often known as “grotesque”. The finish, portraying Biblical, classical, heraldic and natural themes, was produced by chisel or brush, and often displayed great character and individuality. Stucco work in the Baroque period is noted for its exuberant and intricate scrolls, faces and caryatid figures. The details of such ceitings as that at Astley Hall, Chorley, were built over a structure of armatures (brackets and lead strips). By the eighteenth century, native craftsmen had emerged in most European countries. In England, family firms, such as Joseph Rose and William Collins, began to work in close liaison with architects, such as the Adam brothers. A number of new recipes involving oils and alternative powders, such as cockle-shell lime, were invented. In 1777, the Adam brothers acquired the patents for two of the most important recipes and cornered the market in providing stucco decoration. Designs in similar style were made available through the general dissemination of pattern books. The stuccoed motifs were taken from box-would moulds that could be used over and over again. The high relief exuberance of the Renaissance had been replaced by a technique that produced shallow relief of great delicacy; a suggestive veneer than the full-bodied imitation of architecture or sculpture, and with more spirit than wall paper.
Words to the text: stucco – отделочный, штукатурный гипс; (v) - штукатурить plaster – штукатурка, пластырь; (v) - штукатурить plasterwork – штукатурные работы survive – пережить, уцелеть mean (v) – намереваться, иметь ввиду, предназначать(ся); значить gypsum plaster – гипсовый пластырь (штукатурка) putty – замазка, шпаклевка, мастика lime – известь according to – согласно (чего-л.) recipe – рецепт, средство mature – выдержанный to retard – тормозить (развитие), задерживать shrinkage – сокращение, сжатие, усушка, усадка to instigate – побуждать; раздувать, провоцировать skill – искусство, мастерство, сноровка to commission – уполномочивать craftsman – ремесленник, художник to emerge – возникать liaison – связь, взаимодействие a number of – ряд to involve – включать to acquire – достигать; приобретать to corner – загонять в угол/тупик available – наличный, пригодный to withstand – противостоять to coincide – совпадать relief – рельеф, характер местности spirit – дух; сущность
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