1. Work in small groups. Study the diagrams in Fig. 2.7 and discuss the questions below.
Fig. 2. 7. Diode applications.
1) What diode applications are shown in the diagrams?
2) What is the difference between a modulated signal and a demodulated one?
2. Listen to the diagram descriptions. With your group, match the descriptions 1 – 3 with the diagrams a – c in Fig. 2.7. Come up with the titles for the diagrams a – c.
3. Read the text and make your own questions to it.
Rectifiers are constructed from diodes, where they are used to convert alternating current (AC) electricity into direct current (DC). Automotive alternators are a common example, where the diode, which rectifies the AC into DC, provides better performance than the commutator or earlier, dynamo.
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