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A Brave New World

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold. Do not change these words in any way.

Imagine a computer more powerful than the human brain, that can programme itself and even think for itself. Exciting? Terrifying? Whatever your reaction to this prospect, you may have little choice about the outcome. The new generation of computers is on its way and most experts believe that by the tear 2020 the current will have been replaced by living computers.  
Scientists have had considerable success with this latest technological breakthrough. Believe it or not, the work stated with leeches, small worm-like creatures, whose nerve cells were used in experiments. These nerve cells, or neurons as they are known, perform the same function as human neurons. They are the basic thinking blocks that out brains use to sole problems. In the living computer, researchers connect the neurons to a computer and then the cells together. The result is a computer that will be able to think for itself.  
The future uses of this technology are endless. For example, scientists will have the ability to help blind people to see and deaf people to hear again, by connecting bionic ears and eyes to their brains. It cold also mean the end of problems with government departments, no more mix-up with your documents because of human error. With computers that think for themselves, your live will be ready at the puss of a button.  
However, many people are afraid of such technology. They wonder it they will lose their jobs to the new generation of computers. They feat a situation like the film Matrix could develop, in which computers control our minds and our world.  
It seems that we are rapidly heading for a ‘brave new world’. By the time the next generation of children have grown up, our lives and our world will have changed in ways beyond our imagination. Nonetheless, the future is still in human hands. It is up to us how we use this new technology. We must make sure that living computers work for the benefit of humankind and do not result in a threat to our very existence.  
  What does the writer think will have happened by the year 2020?   How did scientists make the first form of the living computer?
  A There will be no more computers. B There will be a new kind of computer. C People will have powerful brains.   AThey used neurons from leeches. B They used neurons from worms. CThey used the human brain.
  What does “they” in line 6 refer to?   How does the writer think that this technology will help deaf and blind people?
  A people’s brains B scientists C never cells   Alinking their cells together Bby giving them bionic ears and eyes C by turning them into bionic people
  What are neurons?   What does the writer think about the future?
  A nerve cells B leeches C blocks   A computers already control it B scientists control it C it’s in our hands


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