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Discuss. Read the text and answer the questions

Read the text and answer the questions.

1 How did Leo respond to withdrawal from the Internet?

2 What do some psychologists compare Internet addicts to?

3 How is Russell a typical Internet addict?

4 What two things has he stopped doing?

5 What does Dr Hoffman predict?


Do you think that Internet addiction is possible?

How would you stop or prevent this kind of addiction?


17. Translate the following text into Ukrainian.

Українці випередили програмістів зі 100 країн.

Українські програмісти є одними з лідерів у всесвітньому студентському конкурсі програмних проектів Microsoft Imagine Cup-2008, який завершився цього тижня в Парижі. Перше місце в номінації “Алгоритми” посів аспірант університету ім. Шевченко Роман Кошляк. Перемога принесла йому вісім тисяч доларів. Комп’ютерний геній зміг покращити свій минулорічний результат – тоді він став срібним призером.

Також українці змогли завоювати і третє місце у командному заліку. Харківська команда Dream Team у битві програмістів “Проект Хошимі” отримала бронзу та приз у три тисячі доларів. Основною темою змагання цього року було програмування віртуальних роботів. Загалом, у конкурсі взяли участь понад 210000 студентів зі 100 країн світу.



1. In 1928 the French scientist Claude Schauffer made one of the greatest discoveries – the discovery of the Syrian ancient town Ugarit. It was here that he kissed the land that gave the world the first alphabet in history. The most valuable find was in the room of scribes at the court. It was a small glass board with 30 marks, all of them consonant sounds (14-15 c. B.C.). It is the most priceless exhibit of the Damascus National Museum. Greeks added vowels to consonants and thus the alphabet reached Europe.

2. Kyrylo and Mefodiy, two brothers from Greece, laid the foundation of Slav written language. Kyrylo created one of the two most ancient Slav dictionaries, called Glagolitsa or Kyrylytsa, by adding some letters from the Greek alphabet. Kyrylytsa was used by Slavs who preached orthodoxy. Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian languages take their origin from Kyrylytsa through the Russian civil script.

3. Ivan Fedorov, the founder of typing in Russia and Ukraine, worked in Lviv in 1572-1575, where in 1574 he published the first Ukrainian books – “Apostle” and “ABC-book”.

4. The first papers were issued in China in the 8th century, in Europe – in the 16th century, in Ukraine – in 1749: it was “Lviv Messenger” in Polish language. The first paper in Ukrainian was issued in 1896 and was called “Vpered”, the first Soviet Ukrainian paper “Visnyk” – in 1917. In Soviet Ukraine the most popular papers were “Pravda of Ukraine”, “Robitnycha paper”, “Silski visti” with circulation over 23 mln. copies. Nowadays Ukrainian papers are popular abroad – “Life and World” in Canada, “New Life” in Czech Republic.

5. The first typewriter appeared in 1867 in America.

6. The first radio-set was founded by O. C. Popov in 1895.

7. A Scotsman, John Baird, transmitted first television picture on 25th October, 1925. The first thing on TV was a cat. In 1927 Baird transmitted pictures from London to Glasgow. In 1928 he sent pictures to Paris and also produced the first colour TV pictures.

8. Lord Reith was the founder of the BBC. He was a British administrator who was the first general manager of the BBC (1922-1927) and its first Director General (1927-1938). He had a great influence on the development of broadcasting in the UK and was known for his high standards he expected and for believing that radio and television should educate, inform and entertain.

9. In Kyiv the first TV programmes were transmitted in 1951.

10. In spite of advanced technologies, broadband Internet users still claim they are not getting the speed they are paying for.


18. There is another “cyberwar”, it is even possible to say everyday battles that are not so dangerous for the countries but certainly its results have great impact on forming new generations. This is the war between university professors and students copying their essays from the Internet. Do you see this “war” at your university? Do you see any problems in copying essays from the Internet? What is your opinion of this problem?

15. In the article different ways of keeping one’s brain young are mentioned. Do you believe that they are really helpful? Should a middle-aged person still develop his/her mental skills, or is it enough to develop one’s skills and personality by the age of 25?

16. Work in pairs. One of you is a middle-age person who feels he/she isn’t as sharp as he/she has been before. The other is a neuroscientist who wants to help. Discuss the symptoms and possible ways of improving brains.

18. Comment on the following quotation.

The bosses of mass media, press, radio, film and television, succeeded in their aim of taking our mind off disaster. Thus, the distraction they offer demands the antidote of maximum concentration on disaster.

Ernst Fischer

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