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At a Hotel

Exercise 3. Translate and enact the dialogue.

At the Airport: meeting

Exercise 2. Translate and enact the dialogue.

At the Airport: Passport Control

Exercise 1. Translate and enact the dialogue.

- Passport and boarding pass, please.

- Here is my passport, and my ticket.

- Where are you headed today?

- I am going to London for a conference.

- How long will you be staying?

- For five days.

- Thank you. How many bags are you bringing today, sir?

- I want to check the large suitcase, and I want to carry the smaller one on with me.

- I will weigh them. Everything is fine. What seat would you like: window or aisle?

- Window, please.

- No problem. And what do you want for your meal? Chicken or fish?

- I would like fish, please.

- Good. Your seat is reserved. You can go to gate B 11.

- Thank you. Goodbye.


John: Excuse me! Are you Norman Baker?
Norman: Yes, that's right. I am Norman Baker from GLC Electronics.
John: How do you do, Mr. Baker? I am John Wiley from Lincoln Freight Services.
Norman: Nice to meet you. And please, call me Norman.
John: OK. And you call me John.
Norman: Thanks!
John: I want you to meet Alice Bell from our Sales department. Alice, this is Norman, Norman Baker.
Alice: Do, please.
Norman: Thanks a lot! And may I introduce Nancy Brown? She is my secretary.
John and Alice: Hello, Nancy. Welcome to Lincoln!  
Mr. Bell: Good morning!
Receptionist: Hello! What can I do for you?
Mr. Bell: I'd like to stay at your hotel.
Receptionist: How long do you expect to stay?
Mr. Bell: I think for a week. And I want a room with a bath.
Receptionist: Single or double?
Mr. Bell: I want two single rooms. By the way, what can you tell me about your hotel?
Receptionist: Well, it's a "three star" hotel.
Mr. Bell: What does it mean?
Receptionist: It means expensive.
Mr. Bell: How much does one week cost?
Receptionist: It costs $350.
Mr. Bell: OK, it's all right with me. And I don't want a noisy room. I'd like a quiet room, please.
Receptionist: Don't worry. It's a very quiet room.
Mr. Bell: Good. May I have the key, please?
Receptionist: Here's your key, Mr. Bell. Your room number is 105. Do you want breakfast in your room?
Mr. Bell: Yes, please. I'd like a Continental breakfast.
Receptionist: What time?
Mr. Bell: At ten o'clock, please.

Exercise 4. Complete this dialogue (The hotel receptionist is asking John Bell some questions):

Receptionist: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?
Bell: Good evening. You have a reservation in my name.
Receptionist: What's your name?
Bell: John Bell.
Receptionist: Oh! Yes. Mr. Bell. A single room with bath. What's your occupation?
Bell: I'm a Sales...
Receptionist: What's your...?
Bell: London.
Receptionist: What's your address?
Bell: It's...
Receptionist: What's your...?
Bell: March 14, 1953.
Receptionist: Many thanks, sir. Your room's No 38.


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