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Ex.3 Enumerate the main functions of an operating system.


Ex.4 Restore the words:

1. a - -l- -ation

2. ba - ch

3. - - ovi - e

4. r - q - - st

5. - nte - n - l

6. re - - ire

7. m - - s - ge

8. - an - le

9. in - e - - c - ive


Ex.5 Make up derivatives:

e.g. to communicate – communication

1. to divide

2. to interact

3. to describe

Ex.6 Make up derivatives:

e.g. operation – to operate

1. extension

2. collection

3. addition

Ex.7 Make up words:

e.g. lief = file







Ex. 8 Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice:

1. The applications use the operating system.

2. An operating system manages the sharing of internal memory.

3. The shell interprets commands.


Ex.9 Choose the right definition:

shell, multitasking, operating system, directory, file;

1. __________ is the program that manages all the other programs in a computer.

2. __________ is a software interface between the user and the computer's operating system.

3. __________ is a set of data available to system users.

4. __________ is a collection of files with a name, or a special area on your hard disk drive.

5. __________ is allowing a user to perform more than one computer task at a time.


Ex.10 Fill in the necessary prepositions:

1. The applications use the operating system ___ making requests for services ___ a defined application program interface.

2. In multitasking operating systems where multiple programs can be running ___ the same time, the operating system determines which applications should run ___ what order and how much time should be allowed for each application ___ giving another application a turn.

3. It manages the sharing of internal memory ___ multiple applications.

4. It handles input and output ___ and ___ attached hardware devices, such as hard disks, printers, and dial-up ports.

5. A shell is a software interface ___ the user and the computer's operating system.

6. The shell interprets commands entered ___ the user, and passes them on to the operating system.

7. The operating system is able to go from one to the other tasks ___ losing information.

Ex.11 Make up a sentence of your own using as many words as you can:

Requests, a (an interactive) user, a set of, parallel processing, internal memory, batch jobs, applications, dial-up ports, commands, computer platforms.

Ex.12 Give the full form of the abbreviation:





Ex.13 a) Read the sentences and analyze their structure:

Imperative sentences (commands and instructions):


INSERT Вставьте Сказуемое Что сделайте DISKETTE дискету дополнение прямое вставьте что? IN DRIVE в дисковод обстоятельство места вставьте куда? (во что?)


Note: the negative form is built with the help of the auxiliary verb “do” (e.g. Do not (=don’t) insert diskette in drive).


b) Translate into Russian:

1. Click the start button.

2. Select the Settings menu option.

3. Choose Control Panel from the menu.

4. Double click the System icon.

5. Click the Device Manager tab.

6. Remove the card from the slot.

7. Review the troubleshooting (troubleshooting [´trʌblˏʃu:tıŋ] - нахождение, поиск неисправностей/неполадок; диагностика неисправностей/неполадок; устранение неисправностей/неполадок;) information in your Windows 98 documentation.


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