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VI. Make up sentences

V. Complete the sentences.

IV. Find English equivalents in the text.

III. Give Russian equivalents of the following.

II. Answer the questions expressing your own opinion.

I. Answer the following questions on the text.


Psychology is the science of the mind and behaviour. The human mind is perhaps the most complex and unique field of study, and has been a puzzle to humankind for hundreds of years. The human mind is the source of all thought, behaviour, emotions, interactions, and it determines how we conduct ourselves in society.

The mind is highly complex and enigmatic. Many wonder how psychologists can study such an abstract and extremely sophisticated thing. Even if scientists look inside the brain, as in an autopsy or during a surgical operation, all they see is gray matter (the brain). Thoughts, cognition, emotions, memories, dreams, perceptions, etc. cannot be seen physically, like a skin rash or heart defect.

Experts say that the approach to psychology is not that different to other sciences. As in other sciences, experiments are devised to confirm or disprove theories or expectations. For a psychologist, human behaviour is used as evidence - or at least an indication - of how the mind functions. We are unable to observe the mind directly; however, virtually all our actions, feelings and thoughts are influenced by the functioning of our minds. That is why human behaviour is used as raw data for testing psychological theories on how the mind functions.

German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychology labs in the late 1800s. Since that time we have learned an enormous amount about the relationship between brain, mind, memory and behaviour.




1. What determines our behaviour?

2. Can scientists see human mind?

3. What do psychologists use to test their theories?

4. Who opened the first psychology laboratory?


1. Why is it difficult to study human mind?

2. Can you describe any psychological experiment?


The most complex and unique field of study, complex and enigmatic, abstract and extremely sophisticated thing, to look inside the brain, approach to psychology, to observe the mind directly.


Психологическая лаборатория; взаимодействие между мозгом, разумом, памятью и поведением; источник всех мыслей.


1.Psychology is the science of …

2. The mind is highly …

3. Human behaviour is used as …

4. Experts say that the approach to psychology is…

5. The human mind is …


1. mind, and, the, complex, highly, enigmatic, is.

2. be, dreams, memories, thoughts, cannot, seen, cognition, physically.

3. German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, in the late 1800s, the first, psychology, opened, labs, experimental.


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