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A nice cup of tea


D) Describe the dinner party referring the actions to the past.

C) Watch the episode again and try to remember more details.

Listen and act as interpreter.

Complete the dialogues given below.

Dialogue 1:

A – I think I’ll have a coffee.

B – That’s a good idea. __ Coffee for me, too, please.


an iced Coke, an iced tea, a chocolate, a milk, a cocktail, a chocolate sponge, a strawberry tart, an ice cream


Dialogue 2:

A – Tell the waitress we want two cups of tea and a glass of lemonade.

B – Two teas and a lemonade, please.


two cups of tea and a cup of coffee; a glass of Coke and four cups of tea; three cups of chocolate and two glasses of orange juice; a glass of orange juice and two glasses of milk

Dialogue 3:

A – I could do with a sandwich. What about you?

B – I’d rather have cucumber salad.


lemon tart / cheese cake; tea and toast / orange juice; a veal sandwich / bacan and eggs; fish and chips / cheeseburger

Dialogue 4:

A – Would you care for a piece of cake?

B – Yes, please. The chocolate sponge looks rather tempting.


something to drink / iced Coke; a toasted sandwich / cheese and tomato; something to eat / strawberry tarts; an ice-cream / chocolate



7. a) Watch the video episode Dinner Party (Headway Elementary ) and answer the following questions:

What is served as the main course?    
Who is the pie cooked by?    
Why is it cooked specially for Paula?    
What is Fiona worried about (according to her husband)?  
When is Paula leaving?    
What is offered for the dessert?    
What is trifle followed by?    





8. a) Open the brackets and use the verbs in the appropriate forms. 4

It ________________ (not/to matter) what the problem is, for the British the answer ________ (to be) often the same: “Let’s have a nice hot cup of tea.” Coffee _________________ (to become) very popular in Britain in recent years, but tea is still the national drink. Over 25 million cups of tea ____________ (to sell) every day, and many millions more _____________ (to make) at home.

In 1610 tea _______________ (to bring) from China to Europe. At first it was very expensive, but by 1750 it _____________________ (to drink widely) in Britain. By the late eighteenth century, Britain ___________ (to be) at the centre of the world tea business and soon afterwards the tradition of taking afternoon tea, either at home or in a tea shop, ______________ (to begin). Tea shops _________ _________ (to become) popular with women because they ___________________ (can/to go) there alone, to meet friends.

Since the mid-nineteenth century, tea _______________________ (to bring) to Britain from India, Africa and Sri Lanka as well as China.

Afternoon tea is a pot of tea, and a light snack which ___________________ (to serve) around four o’clock in the afternoon. Tea-making __________________ (to change) a lot in the last few years, however. Most people now ______________ (to use) tea-bags instead of tea-leaves because it is easier. Tea ________________ ___________ (often/to make) in the mug, without a pot (to save time) and many people no longer ________________ (to add) milk and sugar. Maybe the way people ________________ (to make) tea _____________________ (to change) over the years but in Britain, the country of tea-drinkers, many people still _______________ (to use) the old Chinese word for tea and like nothing better than to have a cup of cha or even just a good old cuppa.


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