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Fire Protection

Запомните значения слов и словосочетаний.

Переведите интернациональные слова.


aspect, adequate, protection, affect, apparatus, detector, installation, legal, magnitude, code, nature, obligation, ordinary, construction, plan, occupant, prevent, material, provision, range, structural.

defence защита;

to eliminate — устранять, исключать, ликвидировать;

combustibles — горючие вещества;

ignition — возгорание, воспламенение;

fire spread — распространение огня;

to meet requirements — следовать требованиям, соответствовать;

mandatory — обязательный, принудительный;

building code — строительные нормы и правила (СНиПы);

fire resistance — огнеупорность, огнестойкость;

magnitude— величина, размер;

fire load— наличие горючих материалов;

Btu (British thermal unit) — британская тепловая единица


extinguishment— гашение/тушение (пожара);

extinguisher — огнетушитель; hose — шланг, пожарный рукав;

sprinkler — разбрызгиватель, пульверизатор, спринклер;

flammable — огнеопасный, легковоспламеняющийся;

live electrical equipment — подключённое электрооборудование.

3. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

There are two aspects of fire protection: life safety and property defence, full property protection being incapable. [It is impossible to eliminate all potential ignition* sources and combustible materials to prevent fire spread so as to protect life and avoid property damage.]0

The first obligation of designers is to meet legal requirements of the mandatory building code.

In accordance with fire resistance requirements buildings are clas­sified as:

• Fire-resistive.

• Protected non-combustible.

• Unprotected non-combustible.

• Heavy-timber.

• Ordinary.

• Wood-frame.

[The nature and potential magnitude of fire in buildings are direct- ly related to the amount and physical arrangement of combustibles.]0 A total amount of combustibles is called the fire load. Fire load is ex- pressed in psf**, with an assumed value of 7000 to 8000 Btu/lb.

All buildings should include provisions for prompt extinguish­ment of fires. [Devices and apparatus installed for this purpose are to account the nature and amount of combustible and smoke-producing materials.]0 Such apparatus range from small, hand-held extinguish- -


ers for small (ires to hoses attached to a large pressurized water


supply, and automatic sprinklers. Fire and smoke detectors and a pro­tective signalling system to sound an alarm for occupants and call fire; fighters are also advantageous.

Fire extinguishing methods have developed a classification of combustible materials:

• Class A involves ordinary combustibles and is readily extin- guishable by water or cooling, or coating with a suitable applied chemical powder.

• Class В involves flammable liquids where smothering and cool- ing agents are effective.

• Class С considers live electrical equipment where the extinguish­ing agent should be non-conductive to cut off current flow, after which an electrically conductive agent is safely used.

• Class D involves magnesium, sodium, and powered aluminum. Special powders and trained personnel are necessary to attack such fires.

*To ignite means to start burning or to make something burning. ** psf is a written abbreviation of pounds per square foot.

(1780 п.зн.)

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