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Participle II. Exercise 19. Making a presentation


Exercise 19. Making a presentation.

Exercise 17. Give the closest meaning to the words in the text.

Exercise 16. Say if the following statements are true, false or not stated in the text. Prove your opinion.

1. Productivity can hardly be improved by automation.

2. Automation has been invested by all manufacturing companies all over the world.

3. Some companies think it is waste of money to invest in automated materials.

4. Only few companies prefer investing in automated materials.

5. Automation leads to spending money on a skilled stuff.

6. New laser cutting machines require less space than the old ones.

7. Automation options in use have sometimes difficulties in fitting with new laser cutting machines.

8. The inventors of laser cutting machines are mature people now.

9. Modern equipment meets the requirements of its purchasers and is easily operated by a computer.

10. Chinese and Mexican manufactures compete with US companies.


1. evaluate (line 2)

a. reckon up b. calculate c. believe

2. current (line 3)

a. popular b. flowing c. modern

3. output (line 6)

a. result b. yield c. findings

4. justify (line 12)

a. prove b. verify c. vindicate

5. acceptance (line 13)

a. approval b. approbation c. receiving

6. advancement (line 22)

a. promotion b. increase c. progress


Divide into groups. Each group chooses a manufacturing branch for discussion. Dwell on the benefits of the technological advancement in a chosen branch of manufacturing. Present advantages of advanced technologies in comparison with the disadvantages of an old one.


GRAMMAR: Participle II; Absolute Participle Construction

TEXTS: “Maser”; “Fun Facts about Lasers”



Forms of the Participle II

1. Частина присудка This device was constructed in 1954. They will have finished their report by Friday. This work should be done immediately.
2. Означення (може займати місце як перед, так і після означуваного слова) The heated object became red-hot. The article cited can be found in previous issue of the journal.
3. Частина складного означення (перекладається як підрядне означальне речення) Theoretical research followed by experiments is the base of any thesis.
4. Обставина часу, способу дії (приєднується за допомогою сполучників: when ‑ коли; if ‑ якщо; unless – якщо … не; until – поки … не; though – хоча) When boiled to 100 o C, water starts evaporating. If broken, glass should be swept away carefully. Unless heated the substance doesn’t melt. Until finished, the work must not be shown to anybody. Though started in time, the work is still not finished.


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