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Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian

Remember the translation of the following words and word combinations with the Participle I and the Participle II.

unless otherwise (specially) stated (indicated, specified) – якщо не зазначено окремо

except where otherwise (specially) stated (indicated specified) – крім тих випадків, які зазначено окремо

when exposed to (light) – під дією (світла)

as compared – у порівнянні

as contrasted – на противагу

as opposed – на противагу

as emphasized above – як підкреслювалося вище

as already mentioned – як уже згадувалося

as pointed out previously – як зазначалось раніше

as stated earlier – як установлено раніше

roughly speaking – грубо говорячи

generally speaking – узагалі говорячи

strictly speaking – строго говорячи

broadly considered – у широкому змісті, узагалі

put another way інакше кажучи, іншими словами

putting it another way


1. The books written by this author are very interesting. 2. We are interested in the goods produced by your firm. 3. The questions put to the professor were important. 4. The coat bought last year is too small for him now. 5. As compared to the neighbour countries, our roads are very poor. 6. A line seen through the crystal looks double. 7. A word spoken in time may have very important result. 8. Unless specially indicated you will have lectures at the first double period. 9. Read the translated sentence once more. 10. Written exercises are very effective in learning foreign languages.

1. Experiments suggested by Franklin were conducted by two French scientists. 2. Volta built an improved form of his battery. 3. This was the idea that atoms consist of smaller particles held together by mutual attraction but separated from each other by empty space. 4. The total negative charge provided by the electrons is exactly equaled by the total positive charge carried on the nucleus.
5. Faraday passed the current of electricity through solutions containing different chemicals and found that the number of atoms released as the chemical decomposed depended on the amount of current passed.


Exercise 2. Choose the right form of the verb: Present Participle or Participle II.

1. Who is the student (doing, done) the translation at the blackboard. 2. A (breaking, broken) equipment was tossed away. 3. The articles (publishing, published) in this journal are always interesting. 4. The translation (doing, done) by the students was very easy. 5. The (losing, lost) keys were not found. 6. He is (interesting, interested) in entering he post-graduate education. 7. I don’t like the report (hearing, heard) at the opening of the conference. 8. Do you know the lecturer (coming, come) to the room? 9. I remember well his words (telling, told) at the meeting. 10. The question (discussing, discussed) at the meeting was very important.


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