050507 Management, 050508 Accounting and Audit, 050510 State and local management, 050511 Marketing, 050904 Households facilities and Service
Educational form: Daily
Discipline code: Fin 2301
Total credits
Midterm (quantity)
Exam (semester)
Lectures (hours)
Seminars (hours)
Office hours(hours)
ISW (hours)
The program(Syllabus) is composed by senior lecture of “Finance and credit” Department, DBA Aigul Omarova in accordance to state obligatory educational standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (bachelor department) and model program for course “Finance”.
Approved by the session of educational and methodical section of “Finance and credit” Department, № ____ «___» _________2010 year
Approved by the chair of “Finance and credit” Department__________assoc. prof._Omarbakiev L.A.
Agreed with Educational and Methodical Council (EMC) of UIB
Minutes N____ from “_____” _____________2010
Chairman of EMC _____________________________________________ prof. Kaderova N.N.
1.Information about lecturer and contact information
Ли Виктор Доикович – д.э.н., профессор
Время для консультаций: вторник, пятница 12.00-14.00
Шыныбеков Дамир Абдухалиевич – д.э.н., доцент
Время для консультаций: понедельник, пятница 14.00-16.00
Смагулова Райхан Ураковна – к.э.н., профессор
Время для консультаций: среда, пятница 14.00-16.00
Мадыханова Кундыз Адильхановна – к.э.н., доцент
Время для консультаций: понедельник, пятница 14.00-16.00
Макенова Айгуль Акимжановна – к.э.н, ст.преподаватель
Время для консультаций: вторник, четверг 14.00-16.00
Сатыбалдиева Жадыра Шаяхметовна – ст.преподаватель
Время для консультаций: понедельник, пятница 14.00-16.00
Сердалиева Сауле Женисхановна - ст.преподаватель Время для консультаций: понедельник, пятница 14.00-16.00
Акпанов Айдос Калдыбаевич – ст.преподаватель
Время для консультаций: понедельник, пятница 14.00-16.00
Мукушев Абзал Базарбекович – ст.преподаватель
Время для консультаций: вторник, четверг 14.00-16.00
Тусаева Алия Куанышовна – ст.преподаватель
Время для консультаций: вторник, пятница 11.00-13.00
Omarova Aigul Shamilevna- DBA
Time for consultations: Wednesday 14.00-16.00
2. Previous courses
Economic theory, theory of money and credit, statistics.
3. Subsequent disciplines
«Taxes and taxation», «Corporate finance», «Financial management».
4. Purpose of the course
To ensure theoretical and practical preparation of the students in mastering basis of financial science, categories, concepts, terms in concrete historical and social- economic conditions according to standard program.
5. Objectives of the course
- Study content of financial categories and its using in regulation of social –economic processes;
- Determination of directions of financial strategy and policy and definition of mechanism for realization;
- Using of skills for organization of financial relations, planning, budgeting and forecasting of finance and economic processes;
- To obtain skills of analytical financial work;
- Study international experience of financial organizations and adaptation to practice in Kazakhstan;
- To obtain competitiveness as specialist and skills in working with texts, communicative abilities, intellectual and creative activity.
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