| Content of lectures
| Plan of seminars
| Tasks for ISW
| 1. Essence of finance. Specific attributes of finance.
2. Necessity and nature of finance.
3. Functions of finance.
4. Interconnections and interrelations with others economic categories.
Financial resources and funds.
| 1. Definition of finance.
2. Nature of finance.
3. Finance in reproduction process.
4. Functions of finance.
5. Interconnections of finance with others economic categories (price, payment for work, credit).
6. Financial resources and funds.
| 1. Essay: «Discussion about essence of finance»
| 1. Essence and content of financial system.
2. Characteristics of each parts of the financial system of RK.
3. Principles of organization of financial system of RK.
| 1. Essence and content of financial system.
2. Principles of organization of financial system of RK.
3. Development of financial system of RK.
4. Scheme of financial system.
6. Definition of financial and credit system.
| Overview of periodical articles about improvement of financial system of RK.
| 1. Essence and tasks of financial policy.
2. Types of financial policy.
3. Essence and structure of financial mechanism.
4. Essence of financial planning.
5. Organization of management of finance.
6. Essence and organization of financial control.
| 1. Essence of financial policy.
2. Essence, importance, tasks and principles of financial policy.
3. Financial strategy and financial tactics.
4. Content and structure of financial mechanism.
5. Structure of financial bodies.
6. Essence of financial planning.
7. Financial control: principles and tasks. Classification of financial control.
| 1. Basis of functioning of finance of enterprises and organizations.
2. Financial funds of enterprises.
3. Production assets of enterprises and organizations.
4. Financial results of activity of enterprises.
5. Finance of noncommercial organizations and establishments.
| 1. Classification of enterprises and organizations.
2. Principles of organization of finance of commercial organizations.
3. Content and characteristics of financial funds.
4. Characteristics of production assets.
5. Financial results of activity of enterprises.
6. Finance of noncommercial organizations and establishments.
| Work in small groups. Presentation: “Different organizational and legal form of entities”.
| 1. General characteristics of public finances.
2. Public revenues.
3. Public expenditure and its classification.
| 1. Economic and social activity of state.
2. Characteristics of public finances.
3. Content and characteristics of public finances.
4. Characteristics of state revenue.
5. Content and structure of state expenditures.
| 1. Essence of taxes.
2. Organization of levying the taxes.
3. Tax system and tax mechanism.
4. Tax system of RK.
| 1. Essence of taxes.
2. Functions of taxes.
3. Principles of taxation.
4. Tax system of RK.
5. Tax bodies.
| «Different types of taxes in RK». Presentations.
| 1. Economic essence and the role of the state budget.
2. Structure of the incomes and expenditures of the state budget.
3. Balance of budget.
4. Budget system and budget structure.
5. Budget process.
| 1. Essence of state budget.
2.Structure of budget.
3. Budgetary classification.
4. Budget deficit.
5. Budget system and budget structure.
6. Budget process.
| Analyses of content and structure of incomes and charges of the State budget of RK(for a last 4 years)
| 1. Essence of off-budget funds.
2. Peculiarities of off-budget funds in RK.
3. National fund of RK.
| 1. Essence of off-budget funds.
2. Peculiarities of off-budget funds in RK.
3. National fund of RK.
| 1. Essence and role of sate credit.
2. Classification of state credit.
3. International credit.
4. State debt.
| 1. Essence and role of state credit.
2. Functions of state credit.
3. Classification of state credit.
4.International credit.
5. State debt.
| 1.Concept of finance of households.
2.Budget of households.
3.Incomes and charges of households.
| 1.Incomes of households.
2. Financial resources of households.
3. State regulation of the life level of population.
4. State social transfers.
5. Charges of households.
| |
| 1. Essence and necessity of insurance.
2. Social insurance.
3. Peculiarities of property and personal insurance.
4. Organization of insurance business
| 1. Essence and necessity of insurance.
2. Social insurance.
3. Peculiarities of property and personal insurance.
4. Organization of insurance business
| Discussion on: «Problems of development of personal insurance in RK», «Necessity and role of obligatory insurance», «Insurance business in RK».
| 1. General characteristic of state financial regulation of economy.
2. Macroeconomic balance and finance.
3. Variants of fiscal policies.
| 1. General characteristic of state financial regulation of economy.
2. Macroeconomic balance and finance.
3. Variants of fiscal policies.
| 1. Concept about financial market.
2. Securities market.
3. Participants of financial market.
4. Development of securities market in RK.
| 1. Concept about financial market.
2. Securities market.
3. Participants of financial market.
4. Development of securities market in RK.
5. Stock exchange.
| 1. Finance in the system of external economic relations.
2. Forms and methods of regulation of foreign trade activities.
3. Formation and use of currency resources.
| 1. Finance in the system of external economic relations.
2. Forms and methods of regulation of foreign trade activities.
3.Formation and use of currency resources.
4. Balance of payment.
| Overview of periodical articles about external economic relations of RK.
| 1. Essence and nature of inflation.
2. Types of inflation.
Social and economic consequences of inflation. Anti-inflationary policy.
| 1. Essence and nature of inflation.
2. Types of inflation.
3. Social and economic consequences of inflation.
4. Anti-inflationary policy.