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Seminar 2. Psychophysiological person`s features and safety of human life

Seminar 1. General basis of the discipline. Key epithets and concepts.

Typical tasks of module test 2

1. Classification of jeopardies.

2. Physical factors of perils.

3. Psychophysiological factors of dangers.

4. Toxic chemical elements.

5. Pathogenous organisms and defense measures from them.

6. Social and lawful basis of informational safety.

7. Main burning issues of ecology.

8. Ergonomics and principles of personal and social safety.




Purpose: Learn about general basis of discipline.

Task: Highlight the essence of the basic concepts of safety management in emergencies (SFE).



Purpose: Show the influence of person`s psychophysiological features on her safety

Task: to evaluate single elements of person`s psychophysiological solidity using tests

Test for definition the main person`s needs

Using this test a person evaluates her needs:Physiological needs in safety, social needs, needs in recognition, in self-expression. It opens ways in self-improvement, helps to use our abilities effectively, adds self-confidence and enhances personal safety.

Method of defining the degree in main needs of satisfaction contains 15 statements which should be compared and given the advantage to one of the pair. For starters, the first statement is compared with others 14 gradually, then the second with others 13 etc, The number of preferred statements should be written in the table of results (look table one) During the testing, it is useful to say loudly «I want».

The list of statements:

• To achieve the recognition and respect

• To have good relationships with people

• To assure my future

• To earn money

• To have good companions

• To improve my position

• To develop my forces and abilities

• To assure my tangible comfort

• To enhance the level of mastership and competency

• To avoid troubles

• To seek new and unknown

• To assure my authority

• To buy good stuff

• To be occupied by the work that needs total blow-back

• To be understandable for others

Numbers of statements which should be compared  
                              Numbers of statements which should be compared  


Having filled the table, you have to calculate the frequency of uprise 1-st or 2-nd statement, with the help of which you should definite the most priority human`s needs (the first 5 which appear the most often). Then you have to define satisfaction degree of 5 main statements` appearance with certain numbers in the table of results, having calculated the general amount of statements` appearance with certain numbers in the table of results.

Physiological needs are defined by the sum of statements - 4, 8, 13

The needs in safety are defined by the sum of statements - 3, 16, 10

Social(interpersonal)needs are defined by the sum of statements - 2, 5, 15

The needs in recognition are defined by the statements - 1, 9, 12

The needs in self-expression are defined by the sum of statements - 7, 11, 14

Results you`ve got must be written in to the table of needs` satisfaction (look at the table). Having finished the work with the text, you have to make conclusions about the degree of human`s main needs and the level of personal safety.


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