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On a Business Trip - a Presentation

Betsy: Hi Brian, this is Betsy. How are you doing?

Brian: I've just returned from the Head Office. The weather is great! Boston is a great city!

Betsy: Have you met Frank yet?

Brian: No, I haven't seen him yet. We have a meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. We are going to meet then.

Betsy: Have you made your presentation yet?

Brian: Yes, I made the presentation yesterday afternoon. I was very nervous, but everything went well.

Betsy: Has management given you any feedback yet?

Brian: Yes, I've already met with the sales director. We met immediately after the meeting and he was impressed with our work.

Betsy: That's great, Brian. Congratulations! Have you visited any museums yet?

Brian: No, I'm afraid I haven't had any time yet. I hope to take a tour around town tomorrow.

Betsy: Well, I'm happy to hear that everything is going well. I'll talk to you soon.

Brian: Thanks for calling, Betsy. Bye.

Betsy: Bye.



1. Where is Brian?

2. Why is he there?

3. Has he made the presentation yet?

4. When is he going to meet Frank?

5. Why hasn’t he visited any museums yet?


V. Fill in the blanks in the text below using the words in the box:

business chances dressed professionally nerve confidence nervousness impression


A _______ presentation is an exciting opportunity, but it can also be _____ wrecking. Just as quickly as you walk in the door, you can blow your ____ of ever gaining the potential client’s business.

The way that you are ______, the look on your face and the people you have with you will all make an ______ on the people gathered for the meeting.

No matter what type of business you own, dress _______ for this presentation. Be sure that any employees that are with you are dressed professionally as well.

When you enter the room, be sure that your face does not display any________ that you may feel. Remember, you are about to ask the people in that room to trust you with their business. It is imperative that you display nothing but _____ and competence.


VI. Give advice to your friend who is feeling some nervousness before giving a speech.


Grammar revision: Types of Conditional Sentences

1. Щоб виразити дію, яка відбулася б за певних умов у теперішньому чи майбутньому часі, у головному реченні вживають дієслово should/would і першу форму відмінюваного дієслова (Present Conditional), а в підрядному реченні – другу форму відмінюваного дієслова (дієслово to be має форму were для всіх осіб) – Present Subjunctive II.

e.g. I should be delighted if she taught me English.

If I were you I should act differently.


2. Щоб виразити дію, яка відбулася б за певних умов у минулому часі, у головному реченні треба вжити допоміжне дієслово should/would, за ним дієслово have у першій формі, а далі – відмінюване дієслово в третій формі (Past Conditional); у підрядному реченні вживається форма, аналогічна Past Perfect Tense (Past Subjunctive II).

e.g. You would have got better results if you had prepared for the presentation more thoroughly.

Mike would have participated in the conference if he hadn’t gone on business.


3. Змішаний тип речень.

e.g. If he had got MBA degree, he’d work at the international company.

(дія у підрядному реченні відбувається у теперішньому часі, а в головному – у минулому)

If you were not so absent-minded, you would not have made so many mistakes.

(дія головного речення відбувається в минулому часі, в той час як у підрядному реченні дається характеристика певної особи, тому вживаємо Present Subjunctive II)


Remember some more models of conditional sentences:


1. but for- sentences I would prepare more slides but for the time.   Я б підготував більше слайдів, якби не час.
2. asyndetic sentences Had I time, I would help you.   Якби я мав час, я б допоміг тобі.
3. I wish-pattern I wish I went to that presentation.   Як би мені хотілося піти на ту презентацію!(Шкода, що я не пішов на ту презентацію)
4. as if - pattern He speaks English so well as if he had lived in England.   Він розмовляє англійською так добре, неначе жив в Англії.
5. If only- pattern If only I had time!   Якби я тільки мав час!
6. I suggest (insist, require etc.)-pattern I suggest he should use/use visual aids during his speech.   Я пропоную, щоб він використовував наочність під час виступу.
7. It is necessary-pattern It is necessary he should complete/complete the project this month.   Необхідно, щоб він завершив проект у цьому місяці.  
8. I fear lest-pattern I fear lest he should come/come late.   Боюсь, щоб він не запізнився.


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