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Readers’ comments


*Desideratum-things you need or want

*Nifty-well-designed, effective, easy to use

*Nail down-definitely decide, arrange or complete something

*Squeamish-easily shocked or upset by something unpleasant

*Adamant-determined not to change your belief or decision about something

1. Answer the questions on the article

· What do these numbers from the article refer to? 25 100 999,999 17 600 · What do these names from the article refer to? Caleido Wuala Dominik Grolimund Amazon Luzius Meisser Zurich Reed Solomon · What type of storage does the article talk about? · What possible problems does the author talk about?

· What benefits do the developers offer?

· What clever trick to avoid copying each file many times did the creators of Wuala invent?

· What are the differences between Wuala and most of the other on-line storage services?

· What is a polynomial?

· What might people using this service be worried about? How might they feel and why?

· Do you think there would be a market for such a service? What might that market be like?

· Would you agree to use Wuala? If yes, on what conditions?

· Do you know any storage opportunities similar to the one described in the article? Do you use them? Why/why not?

2. Read the comments to the article. Which comments do you agree with? Why? What is your opinion on the article and on the service it talks about? What would you write to comment it?

1. Storage as a Service! Well, sounds promising. Is that safe enough? 2. Our company has also come up with some clever tricks that could greatly improve the lives of our customers. They have all failed due the understandable security paranoia - not least within IT departments, that can be exceedingly technophobic.

3. The model assumes that there is enough spare space available on hard disks, which I believe is not the case. Thanks to broadband connection and now HD content, many home computers are at their max capacity. That's the reason we go and buy external 300 Gig drives, right?

4. I can see some useful applications of this, but definitely not a complete shift from today’s method. The issue for me is speed, the wait from pulling files from the net all the time would drive me crazy. No thanks, disk is cheap; I’d rather just get a couple of disks and backup my own stuff.

5. Although it sounds unsecured when it splits our files in to small encrypted pieces into someone else’s computer, we don’t have that amount of secret personal files, right? Speed is still my main consideration. It would be great if I can upload quickly and my friend can download at the same speed. Hanging on line for four hours one day is a little forcing.

3. Find in the article all the words related to computers and IT. Try to explain their meaning with your own words (if necessary use a dictionary to help you).Use them to make your own sentences.

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