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Fun and games Section. Complete the crossword using terms related to data storage

Complete the crossword using terms related to data storage.


1. – a segment of a disk; a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or optical disc.

2. – (abbreviation) the basic system; a de facto standard defining a firmware interface; boot firmware, designed to be the first code run by a PC when powered on.

3. –one of the written signs that represent the numbers 0 to 9

4. – memory that won’t retain the stored information unless constantly supplied with electricity

5. – a system of signals that represent words or letters when they are sent by machine

6. – one of concentriccircles into which the surface of a disk is divided

7. – small storage devices connected to a USB port of a computer that let you save and transfer data quickly and easily

8. Blue-……. - an optical disc storage medium for high-definition video and data storage

9. – the part of a computer where information can be stored; the amount of space that can be used for storing information on a computer

10. – (abbr.) part of a computer acting as a temporary storage area for data to be used immediately



11. – the way data is kept; retaining data used for computing for some interval of time

12. – a thousand bytes

13. – a place in a computer where files or programs are organized

14. – a stiff disk inside a computer that is used for storing information

15. – a copy of a computer document, program etc, made in case the original is lost or damaged

16. – (abbr.) a way of connecting equipment to a computer using wires so that it can work together

17. ……. time – the time taken by a computer to find and use a piece of information in its memory

18. – used to talk about video, CD, tape etc when saying what type of equipment it can be played on

19. – a unit for measuring computer information, equal to eight bits

20. – information about something stored on computer so that it can be looked at in the future


21. – (abbr.) a type of computer disc that can store a large amount of information

13. – the compactness of stored information; the storage capacity of a medium divided with a unit of length, area or volume

22. – a square piece of plastic you can store information on, which you can remove from and put into a computer

23. – (abbr.) the part of a computer where permanent instructions and information are stored

2. – (abb.) the smallest unit on which information is stored on a computer

24. – (abbr.) the study of processes and equipment for storing data and making it available

9. a disk on which data is encoded as microscopic magnetized needles on its surface

25. – to remove information from a computer memory

3. – a round plate on which data can be encoded

26. – a part of a computer where you can connect another piece of equipment, such as a printer

27. – a piece of equipment in a computer that is used to get information from a disk or to store it

28. one thousand million

29. – (acronym) a piece of equipment that produces a powerful narrow beam of light that can be used in recording and reading data

30. – disks that record data by burning microscopic holes in the surface of the disk with a laser

31. ……. memory – memory which uses integrated circuits to store information

32. – information on a computer that you store under a particular name

33. – the total amount of stored information that a storage device or medium can hold


What does each of the cartoons imply? Why is it funny, in your opinion? Explain its humour.



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