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XXI. Translate the following situations paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type:

1. Бекки не могла не расплакаться, когда узнала, что они заблудились в пещере. "Зачем только я пошла с тобой, Том!" - сказала она плача.- -"Возьми себя в руки, Бекки! Нас скоро найдут. Должно быть, они уже ищут нас".

На третий день, когда дети потеряли всякую надежду выбраться из пещеры, Том увидел дневной свет.

Тетя Полли не могла не гордиться Томом. Это он спас Бекки.

2. Когда миссис Пирс ввела Элизу в кабинет, Хиггинс очень удивился: он не ожидал увидеть цветочницу, с которой

разговаривал накануне. "Интересно, зачем она пришла? Она, должно быть, решила брать у меня уроки английского языка!" Эта мысль так поразила его, что он не мог не рассмеяться.

3. Пикеринг предложил Хиггинсу научить Злизу правильно говорить по-английски. Он даже вызвался оплатить все расходы, связанные с ее обучением.

4. Миссис Хиггинс не могла не посочувствовать Элизе, когда узнала, что случилось в доме Хиггинса. "Не плачьте, Элиза, - сказала она. - Возьмите себя в руки. Вспомните, бывало вы полагались только на себя (to rely on oneself). А теперь, когда вы хорошо говорите по-английски, у вас есть все возможности опять стать независимой и зарабатывать себе на жизнь больше, чем когда-либо (to earn a better living)".

5. Отец Карди (Father Cardi) поздоровался с Артуром (Arthur) за руку и начал расспрашивать его о занятиях в университете. "Я уверен, что вы оправдаете рекомендацию Монтанелли, - сказал Карди. - Теперь, когда он уехал, мы с вами часто будем встречаться. Надеюсь, мы станем друзьями. Приходите в следующую пятницу. Я вас буду ждать". С этими словами он отпустил Артура.

XXII. Make up short dialogues using the following structural patterns:

now that; I wish; can't have done; may be doing

XXIII. Read the text and retell it following the points in the outline given below. Make a list of the words and word combinations in the text which you could use to develop each point:

Joseph Conrad wrote to a friend to this effect: that life made him feel like a cornered blind rat waiting to be clubbed. This simile could well describe the appalling circumstances of sour family; nevertheless, some of us had a stroke of luck, and this is what happened to me.

I had been a newsboy, printer, toymaker, glass blower, doctor's boy, etc, but changing from one job to another I never lost sight of my ultimate aim to become an actor. So between jobs I would polish my shoes, brush my clothes, put on a clean collar and make periodical calls at Blackmore's theatrical agency in Bedford Street off the Strand. I did this until the state of my clothes forbade any further visits.

One day I was standing in a far corner near the door of the agency, painfully shy, trying to conceal my weatherworn suit and shoes slightly budding at the toes, when the clerk saw me. He stopped abruptly and asked: "What do you want?"

  • I felt like Oliver Twist asking for more.
  • "Have you any boys' parts?" I gulped.
  • "Have you registered?"
  • I shook my head.

To my surprise he ushered me into the adjoining office and took my name and address and all particulars, saying that if anything

came up he would let me know. I left with a pleasant sense of having performed a duty, but also rather thankful that nothing had come of it.

A month later I received a postcard. It read: "Would you call at Blackmore's Agency, Bedford Street, Strand?"

In my new suit (Sidney had outfitted me with new clothes) I was ushered into the very presence of Mr. Blackmore himself, who was all smiles and amiability. Mr. Blackmore, whom I had imagined to be almighty and scrutinizing, was most kindly and gave me a note to deliver to Mr. Hamilton at the office.

Mr. Hamilton read it and was amused and surprised to see how small I was. Of course I lied about my age, telling him I was fourteen - I was twelve and a half. He explained that I was to play Billie, the pageboy in Sherlock Holmes, for a tour of forty weeks, which was to start in autumn.

"In the meantime," said Mr. Hamilton, "there is an exceptionally good boy's part in a new play, Jim, The Romance of a Cockney written by Mr. H. A. Saintsbury, the gentleman who is to play the title role in Sherlock Holmes on the forthcoming tour."

The salary was two pounds ten shillings a week, the same as I would get for Sherlock Holmes.

Although the sum was a windfall I never batted an eye.

"I must consult my brother about the terms," I said solemnly. Mr. Hamilton laughed and seemed highly amused, then brought out the whole office staff to have a look at me.

"This is our Billie! What do you think of him?"

Everybody was delighted and smiled beamingly at me. What had happened? It seemed the world had suddenly changed, had laken me into its fond embrace and adopted me. Mr. Hamilton gave me a note to Mr. Saintsbury, whom he said I would find at the Green Room Club in Leicester Square, and I left, walking on clouds.

The same thing happened at the Green Room Club, Mr. Saints bury calling out other members to have a look at me. Then and there he handed me the part of Sammy, saying that it was one of the important characters in his play. I was a little' nervous for fear he might ask me to read on the spot, which would have been embarrassing as I was almost unable to read; fortunately he told me to take it home and read it at leisure, as they would not be starting rehearsals for another week.

I went home on the bus dazed with happiness, and began to get the full realization of what had happened to me. I had suddenly left behind a life of poverty and was entering a long-desired dream - a dream my mother had often spoken about. I was to become an actor! It had all come so suddenly, so unexpectedly. I kept thumbing the pages of my part - the most important document I had ever held in my life. During the ride on the bus I realized I had crossed an important threshold. No longer was I a nondescript of the slums; now I was a personage of the theatre. I wanted to weep.

Sidney's eyes were filmy when I told him what had happened. He sat crouched on the bed, thoughtfully looking out of the window, shaking and nodding his head, then said gravely:

"This is the turning pcdnt of our lives. If only Mother was here to enjoy it with us."

The rehearsals of Jim took place in the upstairs foyer of the Driiry Lane Theatre. Those first rehearsals were a revelation. They opened up a new world of technique. I had no idгa that there was such a thing as stagecraft - timing, pausing, a cue to turn, to sit - but it came naturally to me. Only one fault Mr. Saintsbury corrected: I moved my head and mugged too much when I talked.

After rehearsing a few scenes he was astonished and wanted to know if I had acted before. What a glow of satisfaction, pleasing Mr. Saintsbury and the rest of the cast! However, I accepted their enthusiasm as though it were my natural birthright.

Jim was not a success. The reviewers criticized the play unmercifully. Nevertheless, I received favourable notices. One, which Mr. Charles Rock, a member of our company, showed me, was exceptionally good. "Young man," said he solemnly, "don't get a swollen head when you read this." And after lecturing me about modesty and graciousness he read the review of the London Topical Times, which I remember word for word. After writing disparagingly of the play it continued: "But there is one redeeming feature, the part of Sammy, a newspaper boy, a smart London street Arab, much responsible for the comic part. Although hackneyed and old-fashioned, Sammy was made vastly amusing by Master Charles Chaplin, a bright and vigorous child actor. I have never heard of the boy before, but I hope to hear great things of him in the near future."

Sidney bought a dozen copies.

(From "My Autobiography", by Charles Chaplin)


  1. Charlie Chaplin and his brother live in extreme poverty.
  2. Charlie's only wish is to become an actor.
  3. Charlie at last registers at Blackmore's theatrical agency.
  4. Charlie is invited to the agency for an interview. He is lucky to get a small part in a new play.
  5. Charlie is dazed with happiness as he walks home. His dream is coming true.
  6. The rehearsals open up a new world for Charlie.
  7. The play is not a success, but Charlie's acting is highly praised in the press.

XXIV. Make up situations based on the episode from the autobiography of Charlie Chaplin using the following word combinations and structural patterns:

must have done; used to; not to lose hope of; to have no intention of; to clear one's throat; to show smb in; to expect; to wait for smb; to shake hands with smb; to be amazed to see; to offer; to sug-

gest; to make a good impression; to dismiss; couldn't help doing; I wish...; to get into conversation; to check oneself; now that; to live up to one's expectations


Render * into English?

1. Уже шесть месяцев Молли была без работы. Она потеряла всякую надежду найти что-нибудь подходящее, когда ей предложили место учительницы в маленькой деревенской школе. Молли сразу же приняла предложение и на следующий день поехала туда. Провожать ее было некому, поэтому она тут же вошла в вагон и села у окна.

2. Когда Молли сошла с поезда, она увидела, что на станции ее никто не ждет. "Должно быть, мистер Уайтсайд (Mr. Whiteside) забыл обо мне", - подумала Молли. Ока пожалела, что не послала телеграмму мистеру Уайтсайду. Это избавило бы ее от многих хлопот. Теперь Молли ничего не оставалось делать (she could do nothing but go), как добираться до школы самой.

3. Вдруг к Молли подошел молодой человек и спросил, не может ли он чем-нибудь ей помочь. Молли совсем не собиралась (у нее не было намерения) вступать в разговор с незнакомым человеком, но в нем было что-то такое доброе и искреннее, что она не могла не рассказать ему о своих невзгодах. Молодой человек предложил подвезти ее к дому мистера Уайтсайда. После некоторого колебания Молли согласилась.

4. Подъезжая к дому мистера Уайтсайда, Молли волновалась все больше и больше. Она очень боялась произвести плохое впечатление на него. Она долго стояла перед дверью, но потом собралась с духом и позвонила. Дверь открыла высокая пожилая женщина. Это была миссис Уайтсайд. Она провела Молли в кабинет мужа и представила ее.

5. Мистер Уайтсайд встал и поздоровался с ней за руку. "Садитесь, пожалуйста", - сказал он. Молли увидела умное, наблюдательное лицо и живые темные глаза. Голос его звучал мягко. Мистер Уайтсайд видел, что девушка очень напугана, и не мог не посочувствовать ей. Ему хотелось бы ободрить ее (to cheer up smb), но он не знал, как это сделать. "Мисс Морган, - сказал он наконец, - расскажите мне о себе".

6. "Наша семья была очень бедная, - начала Молли робко. - Мы едва сводили концы с концами. Когда мама умерла, мы остались совсем без денег. Одна богатая женщина предложила мне жить у нее в доме и работать служанкой (a living-in job as a servant). Я работала практически бесплатно, за ночлег, и питание, но у меня была возможность по вечерам учиться. Я очень хотела

стать учительницей. Какую бы работу я не выполняла, я все время говорила себе: „Когда-нибудь я буду учительницей.""

7. "Окончив колледж, я долго искала работу - Молли вдруг остановилась, посмотрела на мистера Уайтсайда и спросила тихо: "Вы возьмете меня на работу, не правда ли?" - "Конечно, мисс Морган, мы возьмем вас. А сейчас идите и отдохните. Вы, должно быть, устали". Молли не ожидала, что ее отпустят так быстро. Она нерешительно встала и пошла к двери.

*То render an extract means to give a free translation. Also, any passage presenting special difficulty for translation may be paraphrased to convey the general idea.



Read (he following excerpt from the book "Live with Lightning" by Mitchell Wilson. Retell it following the points in the outline. Make use of the word combinations listed below each point:

The physics department had two undergraduate divisions for freshman physics. The division in which Erik taught was meant only for those students who intended to devote themselves professionally to engineering, medicine, or to one of the physical or biological sciences.

Fifteen hours of laboratory teaching a week required a minimum of five additional hours to correct reports and quizzes and another three or four hours to prepare for the demonstrations. This in itself was a full-time schedule; but to Erik, it had to be subordinated to his own studies. His lectures consumed another fifteen hours a week and -this in turn required a minimum of an additional fifteen hours of reading. His work began at eight o'clock, and he went to bed, when he finished at midnight, too exhausted to read any further, and too dull to talk, and only vaguely satisfied that he had just managed to complete the minimum of all the work he had planned.

In whatever spare time he could find, the read the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which were being performed throughout the world; but he always bogged down. He didn't know enough. Sometimes he despaired of ever learning anything at all.

Through the rushing time of that year, Erik lived on two levels - one of complete absorption in his work, a driving passionate desire to stuff himself as full of knowledge as he could; and the other one of hurried meals, of exhausted sleep and comparative loneliness.

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