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Nasal Plosion

Loss of Plosion

Some specific ways of sound joining

Consonants in Contact

Exercise 3.

Exercise 2.

Pronounce [N] with and without [k] and [g].

wink wing 'finger 'singer
sink sing 'anger 'hanger
rink ring 'Bangor 'longing
stink sting 'hunger 'ringing

Practise the following tongue-twisters.

1. There was a minimum of cinnamon in the aluminum pan.

2. Young King Kong was stronger than strong.

3. I thought of thinking of thanking you.

4. Singing Sammy sang songs on sinking sand.

Exercise 4. ¯ /Track 9/

Imitation. Practise the phonetic difficulties before you start the television announcement.

'Bri tain th e ‘ European
'gol den the 'wi n ni ng ‘so ng
'Swe den ‘sprin g again
spr ing ‘youn g again
ni nth runner s- 'up

'Britain has 'won the 'European 'Golden ‘Song ‚Contest, ¦ for the 'ninth ‘time. || The 'winning ‚song ¦ is ‘'Bells are ‘Ringing’, | 'sung by 'Kay ‘King. ||

'Last year’s ‚winners, ¦ˇSweden, | 'came ‘second. || 'Their new ‚song¦ is ›called ¦ ‘'Bing 'Bang ‘Bong.’ ||

◦Runners-'up were ‘Denmark, | with the ›song | ‘It’s ‚Spring A°gain, ¦ 'I’m ‘Young A◦gain.’ ||

A phoneme is one of the basic distinctive units of a language. It possesses and demonstrates all its characteristic features to the full extent. For example the phoneme [k] is characterized as occlusive, noise, plosive, aspirated, backlingual, velar, voiceless, fortis, oral.

Phonemes are realized in speech through sounds which can’t occur in isolation. They always have neighbours and can’t help influencing one another changing each other’s features. Thus in speech we mostly deal with different variants of phonemes, i.e. those which lack some of their features or have modified ones. For example the phoneme [k] in the word fact lacks two important features: plosion and aspiration. It is a plosionless and unaspirated variant of the phoneme [k].

A phoneme has different variants due to:

a) specific ways in which a sound is joined to the following one;

b) the position of a sound in a syllable or a word;

c) assimilation / adaptation.

When two plosives are in contact there’s a complete loss of plosion of the first sound, that is the obstruction is removed and a plosion is heard only after the second consonant.

Plosionless variants of the plosives [p, b, t, d, k, g] are also found before the affricative consonants [C, G] within a word or at the word-junction, e.g. a ct or, si t d own, a bla ck ch air.

The nasal plosion takes place at the junction of plosives with the nasal sonorants [m, n]. The articulation of the sonorant starts when the articulation of the plosive consonant is not yet finished. As a result of this the airflow passes through the nasal cavity producing the effect of a nasal plosion.

Nasally exploded variants of plosives are found both within a word and at the word-junction, e.g. hel p m e, gar den, as k m e.

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