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Exercise4. Retell the text

Exercise3. Answer the questions.

Exercise1. Write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement.

1. The narrator was mainly concerned with

a. learning to read

b. not causing trouble for his little white teachers

c. gaining his freedom

d. hiding from his master and mistress the fact that he was continuing his education.

2. The passage shows that

a. no whites had less to eat than slaves

b. slavery hurt only the slaves

c. children can be more prejudiced than adults

d. slavery was evil for the slave and the slaveholder

3. The reader of the passage may conclude that

a. the narrator had no kind words for his mistress because she had mistreated him

b. slaves and poor white children were not sent to school

c. education made a slave a better slave

d. a basically fine human being can, under certain conditions, change for the worse

4. The mistress

a. had no skills as teacher

b. had no previous experience as a slaveholder

c. never treated the narrator as a human being

d. disregarded her husband’s commands

5. The last three words in the third paragraph, “taking the ell” probably refer to

a. the letter “L”

b. becoming a reader

c. stealing

d. learning the alphabet

Exercise2. Which of the choices makes the sentence correct? Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Instead of using a stratagem, I

a. write a “thank-you” note b. laid all my cards on the table

2. One way to show gratitude is to

a. write a “thank-you” note b. accept favors from nobody

3. Fred was ____ by your injurious remark.

a. delighted b. hurt

4. The father consoled his daughter when he noticed her

a. in tears b. playing with matches

5. There are now _______ in the converted schoolhouse.

a. 320 students enrolled b. four families living

6. Do you perceive what I am driving at, or _____?

a. are you afraid to take a chance b. shall I explain it once more?

7. Audrey is indispensable to our team; we will _____ without her?

a. lose b. do just as well

8. The thief was divested

a. of his loot b. for robbery

What did the life of an ordinary slave-boy look like?

Why had his mistress converted in such a rude slaveholder?

What did she loathe in Frederick’s behavior?

How did Frederick fight for the right to get education?

What civil rights were breached in the case?

Why did the mistress consider that education and slavery were incompatible?

What other examples of severe breach of human rights?

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