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Word study


1. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases:


самая крайняя северо-западная область России; местное население; потомки; народные легенды; старинные украшения; среднегодовая температура; морской климат; незабываемое впечатление; карликовая растительность, проводить гонки на яхтах; лесная зона полуострова; некоторые виды местных растений; неизмеримые сокровища; залежи полезных ископаемых; объем промышленного производства; служащие; лежать в руинах; восстанавливать; все транспортные маршруты соединяются в Мурманске; атомные ледоколы; сырье; осуществлять различный ремонт; высшие учебные заведения; филармония; населять полуостров; вести разный образ жизни; быть доступным; развивать взаимовыгодные отношения; города-побратимы; безграничные возможности.


2. Translate the following phrases from the text into Russian:

to lie behind the Polar Circle; an integral part of Russian history; to increase dramatically; the total number of Lapps; the coastal regions; to retain one’s way of life; details of dress; the domestic-heating season; to flare up over the city; a fairytale effect; to remain ice-free; thanks to the North Atlantic Drift; along the coast; middle part of the Peninsula; in the mountain areas; to serve industrial applications; to mine; to be characteristic of; neighbouring; to withstand the forty-month siege; under very dangerous conditions; in accordance with; in memory of; rocky landscape; rigorous Arctic conditions; a well-equipped port; accessible; ancient tribes; to devote to; defenders; to attract mass participation; a downhill skier’s paradise; to sign a treaty establishing an association.

3. Match synonyms from the 2 columns. Match a line in A with a line in B:

region to fall
extreme to start
to be located to call
to drop rigorous
to begin spare time
strange contest
endemic kind
species area
to continue to be situated
to name odd
competition utmost
severe local
leisure time to go on

4. Match antonyms from the 2 columns. Match a line in A with a line in B:

to build to unload
enemy ignorance
against to forget
to load to disappear
descendant friendly
to increase predecessor
bright to decrease
strength to destroy
to start dull
hostile for
knowledge to finish
to appear friend
to remember weakness

5. Find one word in every line having the most common meaning:

1. a) harsh; b) hostile; c) grim; d) climate; e) moderate;

2. a) tundra; b) swamp; c) hill; d) lake; e) landscape;

3. a) polar night; b) unusual phenomenon; c) polar day; d) northern lights;

4. a) winter; b) summer; c) season; d) autumn; e) spring;

5. a) bright; b) gentle; c) tremulous; d) northern lights; e) fairytale;

6. a) year; b) time; c) month; d) week; e) day;

7. a) specialist; b) engineer; c) teacher; d) doctor; e) captain.

6. Put words in the correct order:


Maritime / is / climate / the. The climate is maritime.


a) Bay / ice-free / normally / the / Kola / remains.

b) Falls / night / Murmansk / the / polar / on / winter / in.

c) Up / the / northern / flare / over / lights / city.

d) Summer / never / the / sets / in / sun.

e) Is / landscape / the / what / of / the / region?

f) Zone / extends / the / gradually / tundra.

g) In / endemic / some / Murmansk / species / the / region / of / plants / grow.

7. Match a line in A with a line in B to make a question:

How many also made contribution to the victory over the Nazy Germany?
When is the Kola Peninsula sometimes called?
Who do the people of the Murmansk region like to spend leisure time?
Where seas is the region washed by?
What was the area awarded a status of a separate region?
How is Murmansk famous for?

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