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Tapescript. 1 linked to Friday 2 of the first Temple 3 for this reason


Suggested answers



1 linked to Friday 2 of the first Temple 3 for this reason

4 Friday is considered to be 5 in the 18th century 6 The fact that

7 disappeared on that 8 13 9 superstition claims 10 better


To sail on a Friday brings bad luck. Why? Depends on whom you ask. In Judaism, Friday is actually considered to be a blessed day, the day when God looked at all he had made. In spite of this, many events in Judaism are negatively linked to Friday: It is claimed that Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden on a Friday, that the Great Flood occurred on a Friday and even the destruction of the first Temple occurred on a Friday. Christianity has its own reasons to begrudge Friday, on which Jesus was crucified, and many refrain from sailing on a Friday for this reason. And maybe the cause of the superstition is less Friday and more the 13th of the month. Many superstitions are linked to this date, and if sailing on a Friday is considered to be bad luck, than sailing on Tuesday the 13th, is considered to be life threatening. One of the events that fortified this superstition occurred in the 18th century. A Royal Navy battleship sailed on its maiden voyage, on this date. The fact that the ship was named Friday, and its construction even commenced on a Friday, apparently did not contribute to its longevity, and the ship disappeared on that voyage and was never seen again. But before you cease forever to set sail on a Friday, it is interesting to note that in Judaism, the number 13 is actually considered to be a lucky number, the bar mitzvah age. It is even more interesting to note that another superstition claims that setting sail on a Tuesday is out. Twice as much is better.


15 SS discuss with each other the difference between the superstitions in England they’ve heard and in their own country.

- Do you think there is any difference between the superstitions in England and Russia?

- Yes, there is a great difference between the superstitions in England and Russia. Take for example a superstition about a black cat.


16 SSwork in pairs. Before listening, they try to guess which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each question (1-5). They explain their choice.

1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 B

Superstitions exist throughout the world and have done so since the beginning of time. They are a part of the culture of every civilisation and even today many people believe that there is a hidden meaning within certain seemingly chance encounters with both animate and inanimate objects. Within the framework of our everyday lives we, probably unconsciously, accept that some things are lucky and others unlucky. This concept of good and bad luck is at the very heart of our belief in superstitions. We may profess to be high tech computer literate internet surfing intelligent beings, but how many of us still avoid walking underneath a ladder fearing it would bring us bad luck? Quite a substantial number I should think. As for the shoes we should remember that shoes placed on a table are thought to be a bad omen and either a quarrel in the house, or a storm of thunder and lightening will come. Leaving shoes in the shape of the cross is also considered bad luck. To break the run another person must pick the shoes up. Another common belief concerns beetles and shoes. It is bad luck if a beetle crawls out of your shoe and when a beetle crawls over your shoe it foretells death. Placing your left foot on the ground first thing in the morning is a bad omen. It is unlucky to put the left shoe on first. Dressing the left foot first is bad luck with one exception and that is dressing the left foot unintentionally on a Friday morning, otherwise you are sure to have a quarrel. Walking around with one shoe on and the other off will bring bad luck for a year. Putting shoes on the wrong feet will foretell and accident to the feet. Never place shoes higher than your head or keep shoes under the bed for both are bad luck. Slippers and shoes should never be put on the bed for the same reason. Tying shoes together and hanging them on a nail is bad luck. Shoes as a gift on Christmas Day is considered bad luck. Actors never place shoes on a chair in the dressing room because it is considered bad luck.

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