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Mechanized Infantry Battalion in Attack




1. attack (atk)- наступление

2. mission (msn)- задача (боевая)

3. offensive (action)- наступление

4. combination- сочетание

5. fire- огонь

6. maneuver- маневр

7. close combat (cbt)- ближний бой

8. task force (TF)- тактическая группа

9. infantry- heavy task force (Inf hv TF)-тактическая группа с преобладанием пехотных подразделений

10. tank-heavy task force (tk hv TF)- тактическая группа с преобладанием танковых подразделений

11. envelopment-охват

12. penetration- прорыв

13. formation- боевые порядки

14. column (colm)- колонна

15. line- линия

16. echelon (ech) right- уступом вправо

17. echelon left- уступом влево

18. wedge- углом вперед

19. inverted wedge- углом назад

20. attacking echelon- первый эшелон

21. reserve (res)- второй эшелон

22. objective (obj)- объект, цель, задача

23. final objective- последующий объект (задача)

24. intermediate objective-промежуточный рубеж, ближайшая задача

25. zone of action (Z of A)- полоса наступления

26. axis of advance (A of A)- направление наступления

27. line of departure (L of D)- исходный рубеж

28. assembly area (AA)- район сосредоточения

29. check point – ориентир

30. main attack- основной удар

31. secondary attack (sec atk)- вспомогательный удар

32. D-day- день наступления

33. H-hour- час наступления

34. operation order (opord)-боевой приказ

35. control measures – меры боевого управления войсками

36. neighbour- сосед

37. organic- штатный

38. to close with- сближаться

39. to destroy-уничтожать

40. to capture-захватывать

41. to accomplish- выполнять

42. to conduct- проводить

43. to comprise- включать, составлять

44. to attach to- придавать

45. to allocate to- придавать

46. to assign- определять, назначать

47. to designate- определять, назначать

48. to be organized with- состоять из

1. Read aloud:

Task force; infantry-heavy; tank-heavy; conduct; envelopment; penetration; column; echelon right; wedge; inverted wedge; reserve; final objectives; intermediate objectives; zone of action; axis of advance; line of departure; assembly area; main attack; secondary attack; D-day; H-hour.

2. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

Offensive action; combination of fire; maneuver and close combat; offensive mission, task force, organic elements; attached units, battalion commander, company task force, company Hq, infantry-heavy, tank-heavy; basic forms of offensive maneuver, basic formations, some variations, echelon left, echelon right, wedge, inverted wedge, attacking echelon, final objective, intermediate objective, a zone of action, an axis of advance, a line of departure, control measures, main attack, secondary attack, supporting attack, left-hand neighbour, the frontage of L of D, the depth of the Bn formation.

3. Give English equivalents for the following words combinations:


    1. сблизиться с противником
    2. выполнить задачу
    3. организовать тактическую группу
    4. придать подразделения батальону
    5. включить подразделение в тактическую группу
    6. организовать вокруг управления
    7. участвовать в 2-х формах наступательного маневра
    8. использовать 2 основных боевых порядка
    9. иметь одну роту в первом эшелоне
    10. иметь одну роту во втором эшелоне
    11. назначать последующий объект
    12. назначать промежуточный рубеж
    13. определять полосу наступления
    14. определять направление наступления
    15. определять исходный рубеж
    16. определять район сосредоточения
    17. определять основной удар
    18. определять вспомогательный удар
    19. определять день наступления
    20. определять час наступления
    21. возводить препятствия

4. Give the terms for which the following abbreviations stand:


1. TF

2. Bn TF

3. obj

4. Z of A

5. A of A

6. AA

7. L of D

8. cbt

9. comdr

10. msn

11. atk

12. hv

13. opord

5. Put the verbs, given in brackets, in a correct form. Translate sentences into Russian:

1. The mission of the troops in the offensive (to be) to close with & destroy or capture the enemy.

2. The battalion in attack may (to conduct) 2 basic forms of maneuver: envelopment and penetration.

3. The battalion in attack (to use) 2 basic formations: the column or the line.

4. The variations of the basic formations (to be): the echelon right or left, the wedge or inverted wedge.

5. The battalion commander (to designate) the main and the secondary attacks.

6. The secondary attack (to plan) to support the main attack.

7. The line formation (to have) 2 or more companies in the attacking echelon & one in reserve.

8. The battalion (to assign) final & intermediate objectives.

9. A tank-heavy task force (to have) more tank units than rifle units.

10. The infantry-heavy TF (to have) more rifle units than tank units.

11. The mech inf Bn (to have) left-hand and right-hand neighbours in offensive actions.

12. The frontage of the Bn L of D (to be) 3-5 kms.

13. The depth of Bn formation (to be) 3-5 kms either.

14. Different kinds of obstacles may (to erect) along the L of D and in front of the initial and final objs.

6. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The mission of the Bn is to close with the enemy.

2. The Bn is to close with the enemy.

3. The main problem of the Co was to accomplish the mission.

4. The Co was to accomplish the mission.

5. The plan is to destroy the enemy.

6. The Bn is to destroy the enemy.

7. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Наша задача состоит в том, чтобы сблизиться с противником.

2. Наши задачи состояли в том, чтобы уничтожить противника или захватить его в плен.

3. Батальон должен был выполнить боевую задачу.

4. Рота должна осуществить огневую поддержку.

5. Командир батальона должен был определить направление главного удара.

6. Проблема состоит в том, чтобы выполнить задачу.

8. Find in the text answers to the following questions:

1. What is the mission of the mechanized infantry battalion in offensive action?

2. How does the battalion accomplish this mission?

3. When is a battalion task force normally organized?

4. What are organic elements of the Bn?

5. What units are usually attached to the Bn during the attack?

6. Are these units included in the Bn TF?

7. Around what is an infantry-heavy task force organized?

8. Around what is a tank-heavy task force organized?

9. What two basic forms of maneuver may the battalion conduct?

10. What formation has one company in the attacking echelon?

11. What formation has one company in reserve?

12. What control measures is the battalion normally assigned?

13. To whom does the battalion commander normally assign intermediate objectives?

14. Who designates the main and secondary attack for the battalion?

15. Against what objectives is the main attack directed?

16. What attack is the supporting attack planned to support?

17. Who designates the day and the hour for attack?

18. What is the frontage of the Bn Z of A?

19. What is the depth of the Bn formation?

20. What is the distance between the L of D and the final obj?

21. Where are obstacles erected?

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