Think about the presentation beforehand. It is short-changing the organisers of the event and your audience if you only think about what you're going to say the day before or while travelling to the event. If necessary, clarify with the organisers exactly what is required of you and what facilities you will require.
Be very clear about how much time you have - and stick to that time in preparing and delivering your presentation. It's very difficult to 'cut' a PowerPoint presentation at the event itself, so it's a great mistake to run out of time.
Be very clear about your key message - and ensure that everything in your presentation is both consistent with, and supportive of, that key message. You should be able to articulate the message in a phrase or a sentence and indeed you might want to use that phrase or sentence in one of your first slides, or one of your last, or even both.
Make copies of your slides available. It is a matter of preference whether you do this at the beginning of your presentation or at the end. If your listeners have copies at the beginning, they can take notes simply by annotating the slides, instead of having to note down all the information on the slides. On the other hand, you might feel that, if they can see in advance the slides you are going to use, you lose the element of control or surprise. It might depend on the content of the presentation: if you are going to show detailed tables or graphs with lots of figures, your audience will probably find it easier to have a copy on their lap. It might depend on the circumstances of the presentation: if there is a large audience, people at the back may not be able to see the screen clearly and would really appreciate having copies of the slides.
Ensure that the slides look good. This does not necessarily mean that they look flashy - although suitable pictures or illustrations are very effective - but it does mean using a consistent format and typeface and readable colours plus giving each slide the logo of the organisation you are representing and a chronological number.
Don't use italics to emphasize in your PowerPoint presentation; the effect will be the reverse of what you intend. Underlined words are also hard to read. Use these effects sparingly – if at all!
The first slide should announce the title of your presentation, the event and date, and your name and position. This may seem terribly obvious, but many speakers miss off some of this basic information and then weeks later listeners (or their colleagues back at the organisation) are not clear who made the presentation or when. You should try to make the title catchy, so that you immediately have the interest of your audience. A challenging question works well - for instance, a presentation on the global economic crisis might ask: "Is this the end of capitalism as we've known it?" Or a play on words works too - for example, a presentation on next generation broadband could be titled "The Slow Arrival Of Fast Broadband".
The second slide should seize the attention of your audience for your presentation. It could be the central proposition of your presentation or a conventional wisdom that you wish to challenge or a relevant or witty quote from a leader in your field. If it is amusing or controversial or both, so much the better.
The third slide should set out the structure of your presentation. The default structure should consist of three themes that you intend to examine. For a very short presentation, there might only be time for two; if you want to look at more than five areas, write a book instead.
Each theme should be the subject of a small number of slides. Again, a good working assumption is that three slides for each theme is about right. Less than two and it isn't substantial enough to be a separate theme; more than five and it should probably be broken up into two themes.
Each slide should have a clear heading. A question is often a good way of winning attention - but, in that case, make sure you answer the question in the body of the slide.
Each slide should normally contain around 25-35 words, unless it is a quote (when you might use more) or contains an illustration (when you will probably use less). Too many words and your audience will have trouble reading the material; too few words and you're likely to be flashing through the slides and spending too much time clicking the mouse.
Each bullet point should consist of an intelligible phrase, rather than merely a word or two that is meaningless on its own or conversely a complete sentence that is better delivered orally. So, for instance, do use "Focus on profitable and growing markets" rather than simply "Focus" or "Markets" or "It is necessary to focus on those markets which are profitable and growing rather than those which are loss-making and declining". Consider this test: your slides should make sense and be useful to someone who was not present at your presentation.
Make appropriate use of pictures. It's a good idea to break up text with illustrations and it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words.
The last slide should set out all appropriate contact details: certainly e-mail address and possibly snail mail address, the web site of your organisation, and any personal website or weblog if you have one.
IREX Special Projects in Library and Information Science with Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia
a proposal submitted by:
Tatjana Lorkovic
Slavic and East European Collections
Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-8240
TEL.: (203) 423-1861
FAX: (203) 423-7231
The North Caucasus and Volga Basin Acquisitions Project
Special information and supplementary documentation........................... 0
Hunt, Virginia Lively
Associate Professor of Psychology
COMMON USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login)
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.)
(if applicable)
University of California, Berkeley
University of Vermont
Experimental Psychology
University of California, Berkeley
Public Health and Epidemiology
Positions and Employment
2005- Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Washington University,
St. Louis
2002-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Washington University 2000-2002 Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Middlebury College, Middlebury
2001-2000 Consultant, Coastal Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA
1998-2000 Fellow, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Drug Abuse
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
2005-09 NIH Risk, Adult Addictions Study Section, member
2003-04 NIH Peer Review Committee: Psychobiology of Aging, ad hoc reviewer
2003- Board of Advisors, Senior Services of Eastern Missouri
2000- Associate Editor, Psychology and Aging
1998- Member, American Geriatrics Society
1998- Member, Gerontological Society of America
1995- Member, American Psychological Association
2008 Award for Best in Interdisciplinary Ethnography, International
Ethnographic Society
2005 Excellence in Teaching, Washington University, St. Louis
2003 Outstanding Young Faculty Award, Washington University, St. Louis
Most relevant to the current application
Merryle, R.J. & Hunt, V.L. (2004). Independent living, physical disability and substance abuse among the elderly. Psychology and Aging, 23(4), 10-22.
Hunt, V.L, Jensen, J.L. & Crenshaw, W. (2007). Substance abuse and mental health among community-dwelling elderly. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Hunt, V.L, Wiechelt, S.A. & Merryle, R. (2008). Predicting the substance-abuse treatment needs of an aging population. American Journal of Public Health.
Hunt, V.L., Newlin, D.B. & Fishbein, D. (2009). Brain imaging in methamphetamine abusers across the life-span. Gerontology, 122-145.
Hunt, V.L. & Sher, K.A. (2009). Successful intervention models for older drug-abusers: Research across the life-span. American Psychologist, in press.
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