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Making the Title

You certainly know what your article is going to be about. Think about the key words. There should be from 3 up to 7 key words.

Title and Key Words

Planning the article

I. Prewriting

Writing a scientific article


A scientific article is a standard document. Its’ arrangement is fairly standard and serves to organize the contents of the manuscript:

  • Title
  • Author name(s) and address(es)
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Main body of the article
  • Conclusions/Summary
  • Acknowledgments
  • References Cited
  • Illustrations and Figure captions
  • Tables

Look through some scientific articles in your area of interest. Do all of them have the same structure? What are the main sections of articles? Write them out.


The title is the first thing that the reader sees and this often determines whether they will read further. If you want to capture their attention, the title needs to encapsulate the subject of the article. The best way to do that is to use key words.

For example, for the article about social functions of translation the key words are as follows:

Translation, scientific textbooks, history and culture, translation criticism, translation selection, social functions

For the article about the importance of play in children’s development the authors use the following key words:

Children, adolescents, play, parents, resilience, mental health, college, schedules


Try to make your title interesting. The more specific the information you give in the title, the more likely someone will read your article. On the other hand, avoid too long titles. The recommended length for a title is 10 to 12 words.

Try to make your title specific enough to describe the contents of the article, but not so technical that only specialists will understand.


Which of the following titles can be considered good and which are not so good? Prove your opinion.

  1. A complete plesiosaur skull from the Niobrara Formation of Kansas.
  2. Realistic Plan Sought for D.C. Schools.
  3. Butterfly Fossils from Colorado.
  4. Pyrolysis and gasification of food waste: Syngas characteristics and char gasification kinetics.
  5. A new ammonite specimen showing iridescent color from the Trail City Member of the Fox Hills Formation, Corson County, northern South Dakota, USA.
  6. Md. School Assessment Supplants National Tests.
  7. A Butterfly Fossil Showing Color Patterns.
  8. Scientific Translation and its Social Functions: a Descriptive-Functional Approach to Scientific Textbook Translation in China.
  9. The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds.
  10. Heat integrated heat pumping for biomass gasification processing.


Remember to come back to your title and make it perfect after finishing the whole article.



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