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Training and qualifications


I. Read and remember:

1. precise – точний, чіткий

2. prerequisite – необхідна умова

3. innate – вроджений, природній

4. eligible – пригідний, той, що підходить

5. immersion – занурення

6. to acquire – придбати, набути

7. to succeed – мати успіх, наслідувати

8. merchandise – товар

9. renowned – видатний, прославлений

10. aspiring – честолюбний

II. Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Creation of footwear requires a combination of imagination, style and taste, backed up by technical know-how. These are the main requisites for the profession of shoe designer.

Prior to attending college to become a footwear designer there are no precise prerequisites. Most important are passion and intuition. One must be open-minded and know that there is a constant learning process. Anyone with these innate abilities is eligible to enter a footwear design program.

Some of the special skills needed to be a footwear designer include knowledge of basic footwear pattern drafting, illustration and technical drawing, computer skills and marketing competencies. These skills are taught in a good footwear design program.

Shoe design students obtain a comprehensive view of the footwear industry, as well as all the essential elements of what it takes to succeed. They learn how to express both creative talents and technical skills while acquiring a working knowledge of how to design, produce, merchandise and market footwear.

In our country and abroad there are excellent schools which teach the art of shoemaking, where aspiring shoe designers can perfect their artistic talent and learn the bases of model creation.

In Ukraine fashion designers for the shoe industry are trained in higher and secondary specialised educational establishments. The training is arranged in such a way that the course in ‘Footwear Composition’ with sections like Shape Formation, Shape Analysis and Design is conducted inseparably from clothes design. Besides the study itself, students undergo production training at fashion houses and at the shoe industry enterprises. The broad programme of training makes it possible to train highly qualified specialists for the shoe industry.

Among colleges having the most internationally renowned Footwear Design programs are FIDM, Ars Sutoria and Cordwainers.

FIDM, Los Angeles, California, is closely connected to the Italian and American industries, both in the technical and design fields, and encourages international design projects with footwear companies who produce throughout the world. Their program covers both the design, illustration, technical drawing, basic pattern drafting, marketing and merchandising aspects of this industry.

Ars Sutoria, Milan, Italy, is world renown for its full immersion program in pattern drafting design.

Cordwainers, London, England, has an excellent reputation for the formation of footwear designers. Their program concentrates on the art and craft of shoe making and design but less emphasis is put on the marketing and merchandising of footwear.

The top footwear designers in the world are Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo, Christian Loubitouin, Stuart Weitzman, Giuseppe Zanotti, Charles David, Kenneth Cole, Miuccia Prada, Andrea Pfister, Marc Jacobs, Patrick Cox, Sergio Rossi.


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